info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe Inatsum?

An island in a world much like Earth, only some people are Kyrthae. Kyrthae have a certain power that sets them apart from most people (Eirthae).

Genre - What genre best describes Inatsum?


date_range History
Origin - How did Inatsum originate?

Kyrthae exist everywhere in the world but there are more in inatsum by 58.2 percent. Scientists are still wondering why. Something to do with the moons, perhaps?

History - What is Inatsum’s history?

People have been living on Inatsum for roughly 15,000 thousand years. It has always had more Kyrthae than other parts of the world, but there have been fewer since Coldwinds was founded. At least, fewer that people know of.

gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Inatsum?

Same as Earth, except for some Kyrthae such as shapeshifters, flyers, and something or-other-kenetics.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Inatsum?

About 86% of the population is Eirthae, people without magic. The remaining 14% are Kyrthae, humans who possess some form of magic. This could be as mundane as talking to bees, or as powerful as shape-shifting or immortality. Coldwinds is the organization in charge of capturing Kyrthae.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Inatsum?

Like ours but slightly more advanced, plus some extra to "deal with" Kyrthae. CW has the most advanced technology on the island.

edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for Inatsum?

TJ Klune's book "The House In The Cerulean Sea".


Inatsum is not actually the whole universe, but it is the island the story takes place on.

This universe contains...
6 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Cedar Mentor, fighter.
group Juniper Good friend of Aspen and Ash.
group Ash (One of the) Main Character(s)
group Cherry Mentor, Loving, BACKSTORY!
group Embray Villan
group Maia Redwood's old mentor

4 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain The Ruins An abandoned building, which has been slowly falling apart over the years. It most likely used to be a pool given the small lake that sits inside and around it.
terrain Ofeldamus This is the city where the Rising Aspen characters grew up, where ColdWinds headquarters is located, where a lot of the story takes place.
terrain Swalarch A quiet town nestled around Lanuubird Lake. Not quite as popular a tourist spot as Atoth, but they still get a good amount of visitors during the summer.
terrain Atoth A popular tourist destination on Inatsum, Atoth is built around a very calm part of the ocean that is ideal for swimming.

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