info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe Singularity?

Everything is awesome!

Genre - What genre best describes Singularity?


date_range History
gavel Systems
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Singularity?

Modern d20

edit Notes
  • person Owner
  • person DiscordantPanic

    Created universe about 1 year ago

  • group_add Contributors
This universe contains...
4 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Gurbodi Zookums Caretaker Animal Handler Shopkeeper
group Thiles Lyone Armor Weaponsmith
group Murkhaz D'Amante Apothecary Shopkeeper
group Max Bialystock Shopkeeper Chef Food Supplier

8 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Skulls Minted by The Artifact Factory
emoji_events Druid's Birthright
emoji_events Needler Needlers, also known as needler pistols, are a class of single-handed, fully-automatic infantry specialized weapons developed by the Covenant that launch Subanese crystalline shards capable of homi...
emoji_events Druid's Inheritance
emoji_events Backroom Key A single key in a single ring. They were meant for each other.
emoji_events Alistaire's Journal - Chronicles of a Wizard's Secrets ...he needed somewhere to put all his notes...
emoji_events Diary of a Selkie The selkie's skin was stolen, and this diary recounts their journey to retrieve it.
emoji_events 100th Issue of Foundation Press Yes. It is really made out of Gold.

15 creatures reorder
pets Creatures close
pets Bearcone
pets Faithful The colors on its body are ever-changing.
pets Kakaraika Which came first?
pets Haunter If one beckons you while floating in darkness, you must never approach it.
pets Anlur
pets Fillfish Tri-colored balloons and inflatable cushions.
pets Radioactive Melo
pets Macabra They really like to dance!
pets Vengourd They are known to eat their own vines if untrimmed, and if they need to recycle nutrients.
pets Gnawnt Huge antennas allow these creatures to navigate the darkest of tunnels.
pets Flamequill Hunted for their quills. Not so easy to catch.
pets Mopley
pets Playstacean Hunters in coastal towns used metal detectors to locate these creatures in their beaches.
pets Nest Ozoa
pets Pilami Its arid skin secretes a toxin capable of stunning even the largest of its predators.

2 races reorder
face Races close
face Gnome Long ago, early gnome ancestors emigrated from the First World, realm of the fey. While it’s unclear why the first gnomes wandered to Golarion, this lineage manifests in modern gnomes as bizarre re...
face Human Universally cosmopolitan

This universe was created by DiscordantPanic on with 1 contributor.

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