star Overview
What is this universe's name?

Red Snow

What are the main themes of this universe?

  • The main themes of this universe are the cycle of revenge, the harshness of nature, and the bonds between friends.

What genre are the stories that take place in this universe?

  • The stories that take place in this universe are geared towards Young Adult Fantasy.

How are the stories of this universe written?

  • The stories of this universe are written in Third-Person and are limited to the thoughts and emotions of the narrator characters.

Who is/are the main character(s) of this universe? Summarize them.

  • The main character of this universe is

What tags apply to this universe?
dashboard Factions
What are the factions of this universe? Which are the most important?

  • There are countless factions in this universe, and most are unimportant. The three factions that matter most are:

  • The Straystones (Formerly the Sharpstones.)

  • The Greyforge

  • The Welkintides

account_balance Societies
translate Languages
chrome_reader_mode Tidbits
What are the major inspirations for this universe?

  • The major inspirations for this universe are Wolves of the Beyond, and Pokémon Black/White.

Where did the idea to create this universe come from?

  • The idea to create this universe came from daydreams about the universe's main character.

Has this universe undergone any major changes in development?

  • Outside of plot changes, not yet!


This universe was created by Stupidoodles on

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