star Overview
What is this character's name?

Tommahud Straystone

Does this character have any alternative names/nicknames? If so, what are they?

  • Tomma(d) - ( Friendly nickname )

Do any of this character's names have any special meanings? If so, what are they?

  • In this universe, familial surnames are replaced by tribal surnames. Tommahud's last name represents that he is part of the Straystone tribe.

What species is this character?

  • Tommahud is a cross between a Beastspeaker and a Silversight.

Which age range does this character fall into?

  • Tommahud is a young adult. ( ≈ 20 years old )

What is this character's gender?

  • Tommahud is male.

Which universe does this character belong to?

What tags apply to this character?
camera_alt Looks
Describe this character's face. - ( Eye color, eye shape, nose, ears, etc. )

  • Though his jawline is blocky, Tommahud's head is noticeably round. His downturned eyes are a deep sage green, and he has seemingly-permanent eye bags. His nose is small and flat. Light stubble dots his cheeks and chin.
    Tommahud always appears to be tired; his resting expression is a soft frown. Most notably, he doesn't blink very often.
    His teeth are crooked, as are most Everchill folks', and he is missing an adult canine.

Describe this character's hair. - ( Color, length, style, etc. )

  • A tangle of long, pale, near-black burgundy hair extends just past Tommahud's pecs. His bangs hang free down either side of his face while the back is usually tied into a messy bun/ponytail.
    The tips of Tommahud's hair are marked by a silver grizzle, a visual tell of his Silversightedness.

What is this character's build?

  • Tommahud is broad and built for masonry. His muscles are well-defined, though his frame is of average height.

( ≈ 5'7", 165lbs )

What does this character usually wear? If they don't have a specific outfit, what style of clothing do they prefer?

  • Tommahud usually wears a tan sheepskin poncho over a buckskin shirt and pants. His clothes are quite tattered, though they serve their purpose in keeping him warm enough to work.

Does this character have any scars, tattoos, injuries or other distinctive features? If so, what are they?

  • From the neck down, Tommahud's body is littered with various scars and bruises, all accentuated by his sickly pale skin.

What does this character sound like? Do they have an accent?

  • Tommahud has a soft accent, loosely based on British English and Southern American English.

accessibility_new Personality
Summarize this character's personality with six words - three positive and three negative.

  • Friendly

  • Charismatic

  • Supportive

  • Pushover

  • Emotional

  • Witless

What does this character work as or do in their free time?

  • Tommahud works as a stonemason, gathering and shaping stones for construction. When he's not working, he's either resting or hunting to provide for himself.

Does this character have any special abilities? - ( Magic, superpowers, etc. )

  • Tommahud is a Beastspeaker, which gives him the ability to tap into the minds of most animals he comes across. However, his power is extremely diluted, and most mental connections he makes are hazy.

  • Tommahud also has Silversight, which gives him the ability to see and converse with the dead. His Silversight is much stronger than his Beastspeak.

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child_friendly Family
chrome_reader_mode Notes

This character was created by Stupidoodles on

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