info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Sylflis (Of Kings and Killers)

Description - How would you describe Sylflis (Of Kings and Killers)?

Centered in the Island of Tranquillia, where the kingdoms of Zestria, Emperia, Elantria, and Bersenria are!

Genre - What genre best describes Sylflis (Of Kings and Killers)?


date_range History
Origin - How did Sylflis (Of Kings and Killers) originate?


History - What is Sylflis (Of Kings and Killers)’s history?


gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Sylflis (Of Kings and Killers)?

Normal universe physics

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Sylflis (Of Kings and Killers)?


Technology - What is the level of technology like in Sylflis (Of Kings and Killers)?

It's older, so no technology. Swords and bows/arrows are used.

edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for Sylflis (Of Kings and Killers)?

A random dream that I had :)


  • Currently working on making the world more realistic.

This universe contains...
8 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Bracken Watcher
group Blade Main character. Leader of the Clan of Darkest Nights
group Malin Evil Overlord
group Nya Evil Queen
group Marin Evil Overlord
group Chosen / The King Evil Overlord
group Marigold Rebel Leader
group Tiger Rebel Leader

2 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Zestria Buildings made from stone bricks and wood. Streets are made of stone.
terrain Kingston Zestria's capital city

1 item reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Blade's Sword The sword that Blade vowed to use to kill The King

3 governments reorder
account_balance Governments close
account_balance Zestrian Leadership Cruel
account_balance Elantrian Government
account_balance Zestrian 'Council' The Zestrian Council is ruled by the terrible King Cooper. He claims it's a council, yet he is the only one that makes decisions and enjoys killing with the flick of his finger. Any that try and re...

This universe was created by Eclipse/Nightmare on

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