info Overview
Name - What's the name of Zestrian Leadership?

Zestrian Leadership

Description - How would you describe Zestrian Leadership?


view_list Structure
Type Of Government - What type of government is Zestrian Leadership?


Power Structure - How is Zestrian Leadership's power structured? How is it organized? Who has what powers?

The King has all powers and no one else has anything except for the few people like Blade.

Power Source - Where does Zestrian Leadership's source of power come from?

The King's threats

Checks And Balances - What checks and balances does Zestrian Leadership have in place?

The King rules all, no disobeying....

Jobs - What jobs does Zestrian Leadership provide? What jobs are necessary to run it?

Adivsors, assassins, servants

cloud Ideologies
Sociopolitical - What sociopolitical ideologies does Zestrian Leadership hold?

Ummm..... That no one should be free...?

Socioeconomical - What socioeconomical ideologies does Zestrian Leadership hold?

All money to the king!!!

Geocultural - What geocultural ideologies does Zestrian Leadership hold?

No comment :|

Laws - What are the laws of Zestrian Leadership?

Obey the king

Immigration - What immigration policies and ideologies does Zestrian Leadership hold?


Privacy Ideologies - What does Zestrian Leadership think about privacy?

No privacy...

gavel Process
Electoral Process - What is the electoral process of Zestrian Leadership?

Next in line...

Term Lengths - What are the term lengths for people in Zestrian Leadership?

Until death

Criminal System - What is Zestrian Leadership's criminal system like?

If you are stupid (And even if you aren't, actually) then you get executed or imprisoned by The King

visibility Populace
Approval Ratings - What do the people think of Zestrian Leadership? What are their approval ratings?

0 - nobody likes it but they're too scared to talk back

International Relations - What do international governments think about Zestrian Leadership? How are their relations?

Elantria and Zestria governments are working together

Civilian Life - What is civilian life like for the people ruled by Zestrian Leadership?

Terrible... everyone is scared for their lives except for the rich people and the advisors

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Zestrian Leadership created? What is its founding story?


Flag Design Story - How was Zestrian Leadership's flag designed?

*Note to self: DESIGN A FLAG

Notable Wars - What notable wars throughout history has Zestrian Leadership been involved in?

The Clan-King War

Holidays - What holidays are relevant to Zestrian Leadership's history? What holidays does it recognize?

King's Day (Or Raids Day, if we're going by the clans)

shopping_cart Assets
Vehicles - What vehicles does Zestrian Leadership use or own?


edit Notes

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