info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Mainstream Reality

Description - How would you describe Mainstream Reality?

The mainstream reality consists of the Darkness at the Edge of the World and the Saga of Las Aminour.

Genre - What genre best describes Mainstream Reality?


date_range History
Origin - How did Mainstream Reality originate?

This is the main timeline, the first

gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Mainstream Reality?

Same laws of physics

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Mainstream Reality?

All kinds of magics

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Mainstream Reality?

Turning point (steampunk / medieval / futuristic)

edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for Mainstream Reality?

Arcane: League of Legends, Dream SMP, and Magic: The Gathering

This universe contains...
66 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Pepperchini Fortnite Evil Overlord
group Elro Background Character
group Elran Tirichan Background Character
group Aristoteles Nicoliadis The Chosen One
group Fang Lovable Rogue
group Johann Faust Person of Mass Destruction
group Edonag Hook
group Eve Person of Mass Destruction
group B-Dubs Classic Villain
group Zautso Bronzeheart
group 04K1-Y
group Iris Side Character
group Karcon Bronzeheart Rebellious Spirit
group James Bronzeheart The Good King
group Parcival Knight in Shining Armor
group Tybreon Firehand Person of Mass Destruction
group Zamp Spinner The Kirk
group Eragon Background Character
group Chungmustaisis Rebel Leader
group Chugbustus The Good King
group Cha-ik-kacht The Chosen One
group Xo Dumb Muscle
group Maximus Ideal Hero
group Pope Fortnite The Paladin
group Arasne Sunoxath The High Queen
group Anri Bronzeheart Herald
group Andrew Dahlke Background Character
group Andou Ume Background Character
group Anakis Side Character
group Alexei Maldonado Ineffectual Loner
group Alberto Brown Evil Overlord
group Akyan Tirichan Magical Barefooter
group Heskan Background Character
group Toby Background Character
group Akiyama Arisuke Side Character
group Renhetsbad Magical Barefooter
group Malikaly Waterbearer Anti-Hero
group Phil Watson Bruiser with a Soft Center
group Reaper Heroic Wannabe
group Sakarai Suna Classic Villain
group Lukas Background Character
group Mark Nathaniel Side Character
group Sun Wukong Side Character
group Darrion Background Character
group Alex Anti-Hero
group Rieka Graytail Heroic Archetype
group Devin McCown Side Character
group Thalanil Background Character
group Sheerow Ideal Hero
group Alistair II The Good King
group William Evil Overlord
group Sara Spade Background Character
group Thomathy Side Character
group Teff Ulcrates Eccentric Mentor
group Art of Shadows Background Character
group Aniram Side Character
group Ohsus The Champion
group Galinndan Eldarin Background Character
group Neosald Silnith Background Character
group Chungbugustus Anthropomorphic Personification
group Aaron Frosthand Classic Villain
group Dalabrac Side Character
group Simon Ulcrates Anti-Hero
group Anastrianna Casilltennira Background Character
group Aggro’gosh Side Character
group Aaron Firehand Archmage

23 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Church of the Angel Corella They also have churches in New Mibeji and New Aquas.
terrain Lunan
terrain Monglacius
terrain Garden of Tybreon A garden made by [[Character-1206724]] for [[Character-1265345]].
terrain Sky Gen
terrain Albion
terrain Germany This planet was given to [[Character-1264545]] from the Chugustian Empire.
terrain Constellation Constitution A prison that [[Character-1264533]] had created to protect the galaxy from the worst criminals possible.
terrain Broken Space An area of space that reverts characters' personalities and morals.
terrain Alexcoase An alternate reality that can only be accessed through the [[Location-272769]].
terrain Frescoed An area watched over by [[Character-1265342]].
terrain Church of Christian Kings
terrain Aquas
terrain Faust Farms A farm ran by [[Character-1276701]] and his brainwashed ex-convicts.
terrain Citadel of Stone
terrain Chugustus
terrain Richel
terrain Apollo’s Tear
terrain Monglacius
terrain Frescoed
terrain Alexcoase
terrain Las Aminour
terrain Chugustian Empire

8 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Ring of Chameleon The Ring of Chameleon is able to make the wearer invisible for a time measured in minutes that is equal to the wearer's age. It can only be used once per day.
emoji_events Chugustian Root Beer The Chugustians tried root beer when they travelled to Las Aminour, and they tried to make it on their home planet.
emoji_events AutoCleaner 3000 The AutoCleaner3000 was the preferred floor cleaner of [[Character-1264714]] during his work on the [[Item-119024]].
emoji_events Spinner’s Mirror The Spinner’s Mirror was a Chungolo-class spaceship that belonged to Zamp Spinner’s father. However, Zautso Bronzeheart crashed it into Doomcolt thousands of years ago.
emoji_events QComm
emoji_events Les Crossbow
emoji_events The Scepter of Flames The Scepter of Flames was an artefact that was made for Lord Soehl to show that he was the leader of Las Aminour, and it was passed down among the rulers of Las Aminour.
emoji_events Emerald of Emeralds

Universe chevron_right Origin link mentioned Mainstream Reality

This universe was created by TheFirehand2 on

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