info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe Erzara?

D&D campaign setting

Genre - What genre best describes Erzara?

High fantasy, high magic

date_range History
Origin - How did Erzara originate?

Gods created and shaped the world before blessing with their unique bird of magic. Since then, though, the Gods and Goddesses have rarely intervened in the mortal affairs. Every once in a while, they will select champions. Whether that is to help shape the world or is just a strange form of cosmic chess to entertain themselves for a few decades, no one can say.

History - What is Erzara’s history?

Magic has always been a part of the tapestry of life. So much so that it is commonplace for the highest rulers to be magical. It is not unheard of, though, for martial leaders with strong magic users at the sides to rule. There has been an unsteady peace between their nations, though unrest always stirs. If a king can summon armies at the flick of his wrist, it is easy for him to think he can take the land without much struggle. For now, though, the nations have peace. Though many would say each ruler is simply waiting for another to make the first move.

gavel Systems
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Erzara?

Same as base magic in D&D. Magic items are plentiful, though high magic items are kept by the very rich. There is a registry depending on the nation-state (similar to draft in USA) for wars. Enough money can dodge the registry, leading to magical rich kids with no combat prowess. Leaders either are strong magic users or have strong magic users in their employ and have shown to bested magic users in battle. Councils of nation-states and leaders are met under a magical parlay in an area of natural anti-magic.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Erzara?

Technology is beginning to blossom, though has been hindered considerably by magic. Why make a vacuum when you can hire a magical maid to use prestidigitation? The big thing is finding technology that mimics strong spells with a significantly reduced cost or creating technology that magic has not been able to recreate.

edit Notes
This universe contains...
3 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Miroria One of the smallest nations in Erzara, it is a fiercely protected one. A matriarchal society revolving around witch magic, with other magics seen as barbaric or less than. Men, especially, feel the...
terrain Sotus One of the least visited nations in Erzara, Sotus is referred to often as the Wild Lands, and its residents want to keep it that way. Established by Elromeer Dionaea after fleeing from Sedania when...
terrain Nivesia This country seems relatively normal at a glance, especially compared to its neighbor and her tamed dragon. But, as any traveler through Nivesia will tell you, looks are not always what they seem. ...

This universe was created by Taylor on

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