info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Got medieval on them

Description - How would you describe Got medieval on them?

this continent has the biggest, evilest monsters from every story. And I do mean EVERY story, from bed time stories, to myths, to legends, to videogames, basically if it was a story or something that was created out of imagination it was made real to an extent. All of them were made real. When the explosion hit multiple class nightmare threats came from the sky and completely annihilated the people living there. But what the nightmares did not expect was a society ready and defended for their arrival. the shields were down and the turrets were blown up. But the people came together and created the dead god initiative. At first it was several skilled mineters who fought off the first wave in 0 a.e. after that they were disbanded due to a morally crushing victory in 500 a.e. with over 700 members, but several still remain. They became traveling heroes, going from town to town fighting monsters, dispelling demons, negotiating land, beating game spheres and helping out whenever they can.

Genre - What genre best describes Got medieval on them?

goofy adventure with a secret overwhelming darkness. not all heroes have super powers.

date_range History
Origin - How did Got medieval on them originate?

In the time before the explosion several experiments were happening at C.A.T HQ. One of which was an experiment into dark magic, capable of summoning a god from pure imagination. The researchers on the project were not evil, rather they wanted to use the energy generated by a particular spell to power the facility. All was going well until the explosion in Lab A happened, it disrupted the casters chant due to shock and accidentally completed the spell. While this could be considered a success, the spell they used happened to be picked by a 2 year old. The spell basically created a giant portal to all other lands created with imagination. This launched the gods at the nearest continent with occupied humans, but not only the gods. As a result of the explosion the power of the spell was amplified and the thoughts of the stories of the human race, for good or bad, were brought to life. The HUMANS in the North East continent were the target. While underdeveloped in some ways, the continent was able to create a system to at least stop the advance of Armageddon. At the last pitched battle between humans and gods, the switch was thrown sucking all the gods into their own spheres. There were originally 200 spheres, each a gateway to a thousand universes.

History - What is Got medieval on them’s history?

The following is the journal entry of the first traveling hero, in ages after it would be interpreted as a guide to survival. Not a bible because the writer was mortal. - " they descended like angels and attacked like demons. The air was filled with all manner of beasts from mythology, gameology, storybooks, and nightmares: from dragons, to cyclopes, even the gods reared their heads. nobody knows the reason, they came from the south west like a tsunami. The first reports of the monsters came from the outranging forts, instants before they were evaporated by god spheres. Eventually we were all forced to retreat to the 'relative' safety of the mountains. Yet even there they followed. day after day, night after night." a.e 20 - " the mountains are a hard life, we have to eak out a living by conducting dungeon and sphere raids from the old mines. The population increased by two today and we don't have enough food. At 2:00 a man appeared in the entrance to our base, he wore a backpack with two sticks on his back. He told the crowd that he had a plan for defeating the gods, we accepted, and thus the God Execution initiative was born." a.e 100 "Its strange, the man said he had a plan to kill the gods. Every person volunteered, but he only accepted me. I've been traveling with him for a while now, I've learned his unique way of fighting with two picks and I've learned his methods for killing gods. In all the time we traveled I have seen wonderous things, from soaring mountains to deep chasms. I've seen good gods, bad gods, corrupt humans, dragons and I've seen death. The old man says it is time. For what I wonder?" a.e 250 " why have I not aged?! my family is generations older than me!! Is it the old man, did he cast a spell on me? What should I doooo?" a.e 350 " I have gathered others like me and have been training them to take back the continent once and for all. I don't know why I don't age, and I don't care. Its all the gods fault anyway, they killed my master!" a.e 400 " 'hi there!' who are you? ' I'm what you humans call hope from Pandora's box!' screw you we don't need your help we will win and take back the continent! ' are all gods evil? ' o-of course, they took our home from us! right? '... you have learned nothing. you are not worthy sigh good luck!'" a.e 500 " what have I become? I have become the very thing I despised all those years ago, a lunatic only caring about revolution. From now on the remaining monsters and humans will have to coexist without a god. I will not interfere any longer. I have high hopes on the probability of my soldiers success in the future. But for now I must rest and they rebuild. If only I could go back... sigh. To who is reading this, enjoy life's little victories no matter what, old man is that you? I'm so sleeeeppppyyyyyyyyyyyyy-" After this the humans lived in small isolated villages and are threatened by the gods. The traveling warriors try to keep the peace but are spread too thin. There are still 130 spheres left, 100 in the sphere wall blocking the ocean and 30 scattered about. However the system is failing, the gods will once again wreak havoc if it is not fixed. Luckily an engineer going by the name Erik Justin knows how to fix it, but also knows that it will fail sometime in the next year (current year 500a.e.). He has recruited an old traveling hero to escort him, little does he know the extent of the damage. All he knows is a piece of instruction from his father. not even instruction, a prophecy of sorts.
The prophecy is as follows:

In a hundred years time

the age of spheres will end

a brave engineer will fix the system

saving us from the fate of genocide

Hope will at last fade away

But the spark of survival will remain

With that humanity will take back the land

For better, or for worst...

With the contract signed Erik and Velo set off to save their world, or what's left of it.

gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Got medieval on them?

all physics apply unless in a god zone
even sphere gods apply physics outside sphere zones
all normal physics apply
in a sphere god zone depends on the legend (gravity, mind manipulation, etc.)


those in the middle ages, this includes traders, hunters, blacksmiths, etc. with a twist, for example a trader would be called a "Sphere navigator" and a hunter would be called a "exotic material collector" blacksmiths are called "converters of the spheres".

traveling heros are for hire and deal with escortation and sphere/god/monster extermination

history nerds

The traveling heros, rare to see and beholden to no one's rules.

. If a monster or god was powerful enough in there myth/legend/story they can create a sphere and within that sphere the storys universe exists, ( for zeus it would be all the greek/roman gods, for Odin it would be all norse legends etc.)
. The power that is necessary is god/ancient being level
EX. Snow white and the seven dwarfs would exist but not get their own sphere instead the main characters (this includes villans) would simply appear and be killed by other story's monsters.
. a story constitutes as: any piece of media or books, but not only spoken by mouth
. A sphere can also be created by
a. a mega event like a nuclear bomb or a zombie apocalypse
b. A disease or nightmare realm, such as horror stories or a viral infection
. A sphere can be destroyed by
a. The god/ sphere creators are defeated
b. The event tied to the sphere is completed
c. A large amount of force is applied to the outside of the sphere F=ma
. The strength of the sphere depends on the legends age (Zeus sphere> MCU sphere).
. two spheres can't stack
. Free stories (characters from stories unable to make their own sphere) roam the land and commonly interact with humans, however as time goes on the free stories sanity disintegrate and they start attacking humans without mercy
. a sphere looks like a 5 mile radius sphere that is pure white like a pearl

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Got medieval on them?

no magic is allowed to be used by traveling warriors, due to the taboo of the original traveling hero.

no magic is allowed to be used or gifted by humans due to the taboo of the original traveling hero.

Monsters have the capability to do what their legend suggests. while new monster are formed every day within the spheres, being a history, video game, story, comic, etc. nerd is a huge advantage.


When the spheres were first created, the settlements that were there before were completely evaporated or converted later by the first traveling heros.

The people and buildings in the sphere have been adapted to conform with the theme of the story. The people are still the same and similarities stick out here or there. These can be saved by killing the boss. Only works on newly formed spheres.

The old people and buildings were completely replaced with new people complete with their own backstories. If the boss is killed these people will also be killed. However they can be kept in check by sealing the boss and leaving the new buildings and people to adapt on their own. At this point the people can leave their sphere because they are no longer dependant on the boss's magic.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Got medieval on them?

COMBAT: medieval
siege weapons
pick axes

TRADE: sphere medieval
armored tunnelers (goes under spheres)
armored wagons (goes through spheres)
stealth wagons (sneaks through spheres)
story character distractors ( distracted insane sphere/story people)
flares (flares, what more do you want?)
Sphere specialists (nerds who know alot about history, videogames, etc.)
Scouts (that one guy who always runs ahead of the DND group and runs back to report what he found, is commonly stealthy)

REAL RANKS: heavily DND influenced, normal human roles with fancy names.
mini villages, village, city, neutral territory
myth monster hunts
paladins "doctors"
tanks "bounty hunters"
thief " thief"
traveling hero "... rare"
Artisans "craftsmen"
Scholar/nerd "sphere specialist"
Hero's "idiots"
survey "scout"
miners "essential"

edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for Got medieval on them?

The legend of Zelda, ancinent hero journeys, the idiot hero, my dog,cat, and grandma.


The main protag gets a mini dragon friend, like a defensive horse/tiger/cat. depends on situation, crazy escalating adventure. The main protag is not an idiot. THE MAIN PROTAG IS NOT AN IDIOT, NO PLOT ARMOR WILL BE REWARDED.

folder_open laws of the universe ( these are set in stone and can't be changed in the story)
This universe contains...
2 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events criminal pickaxe two pickaxes with triangular prongs that can double as blades.
emoji_events the contractors coin A standard issue coin with the Traveling Hero's nation's insignia on the back and a prophecy on the front to worn to read.

This universe was created by Tom on

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