info Overview
Name - What is Velo Grav’s full name?

Velo Grav

Role - What is Velo Grav’s role in your story?

The Bold Trickster

Other names - What other aliases does Velo Grav go by?

Dragon tamer, horror movie survivor, the calculator, the sneak, the thief, the god killer, the god tamer, the clumsy dumbass(friends), the loner, the mute.

Gender - What is Velo Grav’s gender?


Age - How old is Velo Grav?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Velo Grav weigh?


Height - How tall is Velo Grav?


Hair Color - What color is Velo Grav’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Velo Grav style their hair?

comb over

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Velo Grav have?

full beard

Eye Color - What is Velo Grav’s eye color?

dark red

Race - What is Velo Grav’s race?

C.A.T human

Skin Tone

Moderate brown

Body Type

strong legs, lanky top

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Velo Grav have?

duel pickaxes with lightning bolts engraved into them, red shirt with sweat pants. In addition to a backpack filled with supplies and a bone shield.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Velo Grav have?

Cold, Calculateing, and shifty

Motivations - What motivates Velo Grav most?

exploration, sphere preservation unless threat, immortality, discovering new places, experiencing, good company.

Flaws - What flaws does Velo Grav have?

Loves the loot, and doesn't leave a dungeon unless the loot is claimed. Is very competitive and will try to beat those that think they are better than him.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Velo Grav have?

Is very hateful of boastful gods or rogue stories. Does not like people who take all the credit for themselves. Hates fancy smancy adventurers.

Talents - What talents does Velo Grav have?

Is a very fast runner and an expert gymnastic. Can set up a sequence of traps with his eyes closed, and knows how to manipulate things to make a completely one sided battle turn in his favor.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Velo Grav have?

Is a mediocre bard and loves drinking competitions. Loves wiping the floor with people while playing chess and dance competitions. Is a good storyteller.

Personality type - What personality type is Velo Grav?

an extrovert that is low key able to kick everyone's collective butts. Is never willing to give up despite the odds. "Odds are the betting mans defense, but are the fuel of strategists","you want to explore this creepy mansion that is clearly haunted? Let me get my ghost kit.", What he says during drinking competitions "I would like a glass of vodka and dihydrogen monoxide, hold the water"


Is banned in several villages due to insulting royalty and drinking out the bar.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Velo Grav practice?

The religion of survival.

Politics - What politics does Velo Grav have?

"If your a snob or a threat to society I will not hesitate to plan a meticulous corridor of traps that will end you slowly and painfully"
Is also a traveling hero.

Occupation - What is Velo Grav’s occupation?

Adventurer, traveling hero, pirate, and criminal

Favorite color - What is Velo Grav’s favorite color?

Bone White

Favorite food - What is Velo Grav’s favorite food?

the Tavern special in a niche tavern in the middle of nowhere. It is a giant burrito filled to the brim with the meat of various mythical animals.

Favorite possession - What is Velo Grav’s favorite possession?

bone shield, given to him by a Sphere tribe he defended.

Favorite weapon - What is Velo Grav’s favorite weapon?

duel wielding pickaxes

Favorite animal - What is Velo Grav’s favorite animal?

All the doggos

Job - What job does Velo Grav have?

Professional Traveling Hero
Grave Robber

date_range History
Birthday - When is Velo Grav’s birthday?

the year 484A.E.

Education - What is Velo Grav’s level of education?

Learned to read and write at the age of ten, Pickaxe wielding at age 12
and Master Adventurer at age 16, set out on his own at age 14, at 17 he has traveled the most out of all traveling heros and is the least approachable out of all of them.

Background - What is Velo Grav’s background?

Was brought up in a mine and had to learn everything the hard way, reading and writing he had to be done in secret,

he was forced into mining after being caught reading a sphere book,
escaped when he was 14 and spent the next two years wandering and learning,

at age 16 he was officially recognized by all villages as a professional adventurer but the ceremony was cut short by his original villages men,

after he was captured he was forced to become a traveling hero at 16.5 and then he escaped once again with the help of a mysterious stranger,

at 17 he had officially faded into the background and his profession was being less and less sought after so he turned to other means of getting money, mainly competitions, sphere raiding, King assassination, and ruin rescue runs.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Velo Grav have?

has a baby dragon he rescued as a sphere was collapsing around him, the dragon is like an adorable dog that can breath fire.

edit Notes

Is capable of murder, and is by no means a morally white person, although he tries to help if it does not endanger his survival.

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This character was created by Tom on

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