info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Zodiac Sign Universe

Genre - What genre best describes Zodiac Sign Universe?


Description - How would you describe Zodiac Sign Universe?

A universe where the Zodiac Signs are personified, live up in space, and help keep the universe in balance.

book History
History - What is Zodiac Sign Universe’s history?

The Ruling Planets preceded the Zodiac Signs, and at the time period this universe is in, they act as the Zodiac Signs' guardians/parents. Each Sign has either one or two Ruling Planets, who they call their mom or dad. Each Sign also has a "host", meaning a human counterpart whom the specific Sign's personality (and appearance, albeit less so) is based off of.

gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Zodiac Sign Universe?

The laws of physics are reminiscent of the ones we know today.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Zodiac Sign Universe?

The Zodiac Signs have a complicated magic system. Each of them have powers relating to their element (Air, Fire, Earth, or Water) and can trade these powers with Signs who have a different element using rings that they own.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Zodiac Sign Universe?

The level of technology in this universe develops along with the level of technology on Earth. Modern computers exist, as well as hologram technology, both of which are the main technologies used for both entertainment and work.

edit Notes
history Changelog
folder_open Outline for Story

Chapter One: Analaura, an English girl who happens to be Virgo's host, learns about the Signs, who used to be protectors of the Earth from outside threats, but inexplicably left in 1970, and becomes very interested in them. One day, a customer comes in to the shop Analaura works at, and she seems familiar...then she removes her hood to reveal that she is none other than Virgo herself.

Chapter Two: Analaura, bewildered by Virgo's appearance, asks her why she has come back to Earth. Virgo responds that the Dribeteans, a race that lives in the far reaches of space, have attempted attacks on the Earth. An attack by a Dribetean occurs, which Virgo prevents, as well as Sagittarius, who runs in to help her. After beating the creature, Virgo runs back into the shop and tells Analaura that they have to leave because she doesn't know when the creature will come back. She also tells Analaura that since she is a host, she has dormant powers that they can awaken if she wants. Directing Analaura to write a note to her boss as soon as possible, Virgo hurries back outside.

Chapter Three: Virgo tries to call Capricorn for reinforcements, but she isn't picking up her phone, so she tries calling Aries. Meanwhile, Sagittarius questions Virgo about her host. Virgo partially answers before Aries answers. Virgo tells him about the situation, and mentions her decision about Analaura. Aries is pleased, and promises to come over as soon as he can.

This universe contains...
12 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Aquarius Air Sign, one of the leaders of the Signs
group Taurus Earth Sign
group Cancer Water Sign
group Leo Fire Sign
group Sagittarius Fire Sign
group Capricorn Earth Sign, one of the leaders of the Zodiac Signs
group Libra Air Sign
group Scorpio Water Sign, one of the leaders of the Signs
group Aries Fire Sign, one of the four leaders of the Zodiac Signs
group Gemini Air Sign
group Virgo Earth Sign
group Pisces Water Sign

2 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Patromia The small planet on which the Signs live together
terrain The Cosmic Dimension The dimension where the Planets reside, watching over their children (the Signs) and giving them advice through mental connection in their dreams.

3 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Aries' Sword Aries' sword (or at the very least the design) was past down to him by his father, Mars. Since it is made of magic, it is formed by the production of magical energy, in Aries' case out of his hand ...
emoji_events Sagittarius' Bow and Arrow Both are created from fire magic.
emoji_events Aquarius' Dagger Aquarius' Dagger has a gold hilt. Before it intersects with the blade, it splits so that each side forms into a star. The dagger itself is multichrome.

This universe was created by Elizabeth on

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