info Overview
Name - What is The Cosmic Dimension’s full name?

The Cosmic Dimension

Type - What type of location is The Cosmic Dimension?

The Cosmic Dimension is a dimension separate from any of the galaxies in space. It can only be accessed through black holes, which is why it has never been discovered by humans.

Description - Describe The Cosmic Dimension.

The dimension where the Planets reside, watching over their children (the Signs) and giving them advice through mental connection in their dreams.

face Culture
Sports - What sports are played in The Cosmic Dimension?


Laws - What are the laws in The Cosmic Dimension?

No one can fight or declare war within the Cosmic Dimension; the Cosmic Dimension is seen as a place of peace.

Language - What languages are spoken in The Cosmic Dimension?

In the Cosmic Dimension, Esperanto and English are spoken.

Population - What is The Cosmic Dimension’s population?

The Cosmic Dimension's population is the twelve Ruling Planets.

Currency - What currencies are used in The Cosmic Dimension?

No currencies are used.

Motto - What is The Cosmic Dimension’s motto?

The Cosmic Dimension does not have a motto.

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is The Cosmic Dimension in?

The Cosmic Dimension is located in an area of open space. Everything but the specific places within the Cosmic Dimension are white, and portals are set up between them to act as doorways to each place.

Climate - What is the climate like in The Cosmic Dimension?

The Cosmic Dimension has no climate because of the circumstances of its atmosphere.

Located at - Where is The Cosmic Dimension located?

The Cosmic Dimension is located in space.

Crops - What crops does The Cosmic Dimension produce?

Some of the land on which the Planets live is able to produce crops of all kinds. A few of the Planets have made a garden of fruits, vegetables, and herbs, and tend to it daily.

book History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has The Cosmic Dimension been involved in?

There have been no wars in the Cosmic Dimension, due to the rules laid down when the dimension was created.

Founding Story - How was The Cosmic Dimension founded?

The Cosmic Dimension came about when the Planets decided that they wanted their children to live together and help protect the universe in their stead. However, they also wanted their children to be protected themselves, so they only made the dimension accessible through black holes. Unfortunately, some species have realized this, some by accident, and have made enemies of the Signs.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by Elizabeth on

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