info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Reality of Delusions

Description - How would you describe Reality of Delusions ?

A world in which all realities are defiled by perception.

Genre - What genre best describes Reality of Delusions ?


date_range History
Notable individuals/beings


gavel Rules

The Plane:
The world itself in it's purest "form"*. It is an entity, a constant observer and recorder of all that occurs in all realities.
*Ref Socrates from Plato's Five Dialogues. Basically, the essence of the world

The method all sentient beings use to perceive the Plane. However, their thoughts and biases corrupt their perception of the Plane which leads to dissonance in personal realities.
Here's a metaphor to explain:
You have an onion. The core is the Plane while all the layers extending outward are the thoughts, opinions, biases, etc. that "conceal" or defile the Plane.
Your onion will look different than my onion because we have different views. So, my onion could have fewer layers than yours or it could have more.
Note: the number of layers is directly equivalent to how defiled one's reality is

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Reality of Delusions ?

True Names:
A single, undefiled word that describes the past and present states of the recipient of the name. This word is a direct representation of the Plane and allows the owner to purify their reality and manipulate the recipient of the name.
EX: Onawa Mino knows the True Name of the wind. She can now manipulate it not just within her own reality, but within others' as well.
(Following the onion metaphor, layers are removed from the onion.)

False Names:
A single, undefiled word that inaccurately describes the past and present states of the recipient of the name. Although the word is undefiled, the reality of the False Name's owner is further tainted. The owner's reality will change accordingly, making the False Name "true" in a sense, yet "false" when compared with the Plane.
EX: Onawa Mino know the False Name of the wind. She gains false knowledge on what the wind's true form, allowing her to manipulate only her own reality.
(Following the onion metaphor, more layers are added to the onion.)

edit Notes
This universe contains...
3 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events The Spinster's Needle A rapier with an intricate guard.
emoji_events 100 Blooming Flowers Weapon Series A hundred weapons (mainly swords) crafted by [[Character-953057]] during her time as a gatekeeper. Are stored in a [[Item-86157]] .
emoji_events Weapon Inventory An inventory that can hold an infinite number of weapons which can be retrieved at any time.

This universe was created by Minowaa on

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