info Overview
Name - What is 100 Blooming Flowers Weapon Series’s full name?

100 Blooming Flowers Weapon Series

Item Type - What type of item is 100 Blooming Flowers Weapon Series?

Weapon series (collection)

Description - Describe 100 Blooming Flowers Weapon Series.

A hundred weapons (mainly swords) crafted by Onawa Mino during her time as a gatekeeper. Are stored in a Weapon Inventory .

redeem Looks
Materials - What is 100 Blooming Flowers Weapon Series made out of?

Metal and oftentimes wood

Weight - How much does 100 Blooming Flowers Weapon Series weigh?

Depends on the weapon

Notable weapons

首先白春/㵮 (shouxiān bái chūn/chún)
First Pure Spring
A short sword known as a ninjatō. Less than 60 cm, the blade can turn to water which is drawn from a sacred spring. Its sheath is made of wood and lacquered with several intricate designs running down the length of the sheath. Navy cotton is wrapped around the handle of the sword and a hanging silk cord is wrapped around the upper section of the sheath closer to the hilt.

七彩刀/禂 (qīcai dāo/dao)
Seven Colored Blade/Prayer
A single-edged blade that can be used seven times to send a prayer to a certain deity. It extends to 76 cm and the color is a dull white. It’s rumored to change colors based on the user, but no one has seen the sword being wielded.

月亮的第二十九天 (yuèliàng de dì èrshíjiu tiān)
The Moon’s Twenty-nine Days
A gleaming, glassy sword that reflects the moon’s current state. It’s usage is limited to once a lunar cycle as it breaks into twenty-nine shards that impale a target.

一百个冬季海洋 (yibai gè dōngjì haiyáng)
One Hundred Winter Seas
A fearsome ōdachi measuring 377cm. When swung or unsheathed, it creates powerful gusts of wind and makes a sound similar to that of ice floes: a screeching, sometimes gunshots, or low frequencies.

date_range History
Year it was made - When was 100 Blooming Flowers Weapon Series made?

Unknown. The numbers in each of the weapons' names indicate the order they were created.

flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does 100 Blooming Flowers Weapon Series possess?

Differs on the weapon. Some can teleport while others conjure massive gusts of wind


Several of the weapons in this series are not meant for killing such as the Seven Colored Blade/Prayer

edit Notes

Most of the weapon names are puns on the Chinese phonetic language (pinyin) and its many homophones. The weapon names all include numbers as an indicator of the order they were created in.

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