All We Know
It is a wide all encompassing universe made up of many stars and planets, the story takes place on the planet Silman Ita Me (All we Reside on)
It is not known how it began, but every people of the Silman Ita Me (All we Reside on) has their own different but somehow earily similar tale.
From the sunscorched Great Dunes (Dek Pan) there comes a tale of 5 architects who together built the stars, but one, the youngest one, Tia En, thought of greater things, of creating life, of creating sentience. So while the others were creating the largest star, the Great Otek, he made a planet. It was shaped by him just so with a high mountains and low, sweeping valleys, and at the Crown of the World he made the Great Dunes (Dek Pan).
There he created the first people, made out of clay and baked over the fire and finally infused with his tears. The first people quickly populated the Crown of the World, and as Tia En watched them spread and thrive he created others, the short stubby Ki (Dwarfs) who lived deep in the moutains in permenent darkness, the tall, elegent Sin (Elves) who swiftly became the merchants of the world travelling further than any other, covering vast distances in a matter of days. He created the Linta (Bird-Like Creatures) whose imposing bulk and comand over the skies enabled them to find there place in power, the Det (Reptillian Humanoids) whose intellegence and cunning soon placed them at the side of the Linta and finally the Kepa (Unknown) all that is known is that they fled the sun to find the shadows and haven't emerged since. Finally he created the lesser creatures, they were made with clay and baked over a fire but no tears were shed, they were left mute and unfeeling as a result.
While the Sin may call themselves the Espa and may speak of wool and 5 craftmen, and of the Crown of the World being Hisa (Old City) their own birthplace, all the stories talk of the 5 and of tears and of 6 races and of the Kepa.
All may be true or none may be.
Same as our world
(Note: This is standered magic not the inherent magics of races such as the Ki (Dwarfs) or the Det (Reptilian Humanoids) it also doesn't refer to specialised magics such as the human magics of Charming or Alchemy or the Sin (Elves) specialised Sages.)
The magic system is highly based off science for example if you were to want to lift a 10kg boulder 10 meters off the ground you would have to use the same amount of energy as it would take to physically lift it. Of course magic users have more energy than a normal person within their body, the more powerful you are the more excess - compared to the normal amount of your race - energy you have. This excess energy often takes the form of a tattoo, necklace or wand in low powered magic users and often take the form of a familiar for higher power users. Familiars are able to shift form at will and often reflect a facet of the users personality, in rare cases they may even have a form of sentience. To activate magic you first have to concentrate on what you want to do, for example to conjure fire, you then must vocalise this, usually magic users use Formal or Standard speech which is a universal magical language but some groups of Ki (Dwarfs) have there own unique languages, and the isolated people of the Great Dunes (Dek Pan) used a form of sign language instead. It appears to not be strictly necessary, especially for higher power users, but help focus the mind more effectively, it is also useful in battle for communication. The same rules that applied for the boulder apply for others, take my previous example of conjuring fire, if you were to do this the amount of energy that it takes to create fire would be used, and if you wanted to suspend it in mid air it would take energy again. But time does not effect how much energy is being used, so energy expended remains stable over any period of time. Energy is regained by sleeping, eating or resting. Energy retaining and restoring potions made by alchemists are also a great help in the heat of battle.
Technology varies throughout Silman Ita Me (All we Reside on) in the Great Dunes (Dek Pan) technology is pretty limited - they are a bronze age civilisation. They are ahead in one way and that is in chemistry - they have more detailed understanding of it than anywhere else on the world. Their knowledge of chemistry is probably about 1800's level. The Sin (Elves) are about the average in terms of sophistication - having technology about equal with the early to late 1400's. The only notable exception are the Ki (Dwarfs) whose technology is more on the level of the early industrial revolution. As they keep to themselves and mainly do not interact with the outside world the technology has not travelled past their mountains.
This universe was created by Cloud Wolf on
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