info Overview
Name - What is Sita Omar’s full name?

Sita Omar

Role - What is Sita Omar’s role in your story?

She is 1 of the 5 main charcters, the instigator for the story and the catalyst for the final battle.

Other names - What other aliases does Sita Omar go by?

The Desert Dweller,
The Silent Lady,
The Lady in Shawls,

Gender - What is Sita Omar’s gender?


Age - How old is Sita Omar?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Sita Omar weigh?

29 kg

Height - How tall is Sita Omar?

152 cm

Hair Color - What color is Sita Omar’s hair?

Raven black with lighter brown highlights which are especially noticeable after a long time in the sun

Hair Style - How does Sita Omar style their hair?

Worn loose when resting/informally
Worn in simple braids when hunting/engaged in combat
Worn in a tight bun under a headscarf during formal events/prayer

Eye Color - What is Sita Omar’s eye color?

Amber with brown streaks (left eye)
Brown with light grey streaks (right eye)

Race - What is Sita Omar’s race?


Linked Races

Skin Tone

Moderate brown

Body Type

Lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Sita Omar have?

Tattoo of a Silthan on her right arm
Small scar on her face - acquired when Ren (her pet Feka) scratched her
Light sprinkling of freckles over her nose

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Sita Omar have?

Twitchy movements
Emphasis on the t, k, and p sounds when speaking
The Great Dunes (Dek Pan) acccent with some local dialectal phrases

Motivations - What motivates Sita Omar most?

She wants to explore beyond what she knows
Wants to follow in the footsteps of the the legendary The Great Dunes (Dek Pan) explorers before her
Longs to find the Springs of Silence

Flaws - What flaws does Sita Omar have?

Inexperienced and unknowing of the world outside the Great Dunes The Great Dunes (Dek Pan)
Stubborn and unwilling to admit when she is wrong
Unable to think on her feet and can panic in a stressful situation
Unable to use magic and is jealous of those that can
Can be dismissive or belittling of those who she does not know, trust or respect

Prejudices - What prejudices does Sita Omar have?

She believes all outside of the The Great Dunes (Dek Pan) are strange animalistic creatures with no empathy and zero semblance to humanity (this will fade throughout the book as she explores the world, but she will still have some trouble with prejudice that she will try to combat)

Talents - What talents does Sita Omar have?

Has a lot of book knowledge of ancient civilisations
Has good practical knowledge of desert conditions and fauna and flaura of the The Great Dunes (Dek Pan)
Is an experienced hunter that is especially skilled with a Dune Spear (Petek)
Fast and light footed with great agility

Hobbies - What hobbies does Sita Omar have?

Is a good artist - favours quills from the Setek Bird
Her favourite game is Fenat
She loves playing the Desert Drums (Lifan)

Personality type - What personality type is Sita Omar?

Lively, energetic and full of life
Curious and enqisitive
Strong and self motivated

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Sita Omar practice?

She practises the religion of the West Dunes (Sepat) called Siken Siken , followers of Siken believe in reincarnation. In Siken the highest form is not the human but the almost mythical creature the Silthen which no one is allowed to harm. They protect it with vigour, going so far as to have armed guards defending its last known territory day and night. They believe it sends the rains and keeps them safe and, if you are kind, good, honest, and perform the Duty of the Guard at least once a week you have a chance to be reborn as a Silthen. They are noted to include some of the strongest fighters in all of the Great Dunes.

Politics - What politics does Sita Omar have?

She lives in the [[Location-194375]] region and a loyal Siken believer so object to the North Dunes (Tesa) in both a political and religious sense. Political as the West Dunes (Sepat) and the North Dunes (Tesa) have had a long history of tensions over an piece of land known as the Baket (Barren Waste) that has long been claimed by both sides. Notable conflicts over the region include the Battle of the Basin (Tepa), the Kita conflict and the 300 year war. Religious as in the North Dunes (Tesa) the Silthen is seen as a pest and they were the ones who almost hunted it to extiction, within the last century the North Dunes (Tesa) have banned the hunting of Silthen but the Siken still have them listed as one of the Denpa (Outlaws) and therefore not allowed to be reincarnated as anything more than a Teket.

Occupation - What is Sita Omar’s occupation?

She is a hunter and scholar who works for the Great Library (Kifa) as a travelling librarian.

Favorite color - What is Sita Omar’s favorite color?

Her favourite colour is a dusty red

Favorite food - What is Sita Omar’s favorite food?

Her favourite food is Teket pie made with Teket skin and Defan berries.

Favorite possession - What is Sita Omar’s favorite possession?

Her favourite possession is her prized Sand Dagger (Teka) made with bronze by her father (Gen) before he died

Favorite weapon - What is Sita Omar’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Sita Omar’s favorite animal?

A Feka, a small cute animal notable for its beautiful pelt that is a dark shade of magenta, she has a pet Feka called Ren given to her by her father (Gen)

Job - What job does Sita Omar have?

She is a travelling librarian working for the Great Library (Kifa)

date_range History
Birthday - When is Sita Omar’s birthday?

8th moon of the new year, in the Year of the Dying Star
(1st of August )

Education - What is Sita Omar’s level of education?

She was taught basic mathematics, reading, writing and hunting by her father (Gen)
When he (Gen) died she was taught by a Great Library scholar (Ket) various ancient languages and chemistry, biology and alchemy

Background - What is Sita Omar’s background?

She was born in Feki in [[Location-194375]] and more widely in The Great Dunes (Dek Pan) she was brought up by her father (Gen) until he died when she was 8.
She was then adopted by a Great Library (Kifa) scholar (Ket) who brought her up from then on until she was 16 when she made her own way in the world.
She followed in her adopted father's (Ket) footsteps and entered into service in the Great Library (Kifa) and subsequently became a travelling librarian.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Sita Omar have?

She has one pet Feka called Ren



shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

She is used as a lens for the reader to be able to understand how the world works and what it is like geographically
She is one of the main translators of the Scripts of Sey
She is a powerful fighter in her own right but is unable to use magic, is mainly used as a support or a quick ambush fighter in combat

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This character was created by Cloud Wolf on

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