Mage's guild
The story of this universe mainly revolves around one country, that is separated into three kingdoms.
For as long as time could remember people had fought.
They fought over many things.
This particular battle had carried on for generations.
It was not over land, or food, or who would rule where. At Least it wasn’t in the beginning.
It began over the laws that govern this country specifically the legality of a certain gift called magic.
This country was divided into three kingdoms. They all bare a unique name, given to them in the original language known simply as Tal. But for sake of convenience, they were often referred to as Higher Class, Centre Class, and Lower Class.
Higher Class believed that magic was a gift, a talent and that all should be welcome to use it.
Lower Class believed that magic was a danger and should be illegal.
And Centre Class simply wanted the waring to end.
Can be broken by magic
There are two ways to wield magic. As a sorcerer (Or sorceress) or as a mage.
Mages- Are given magic and must discover how it works
Sorcerers- Must learn magic in order to 'unlock' it
A master of magic is a wizard.
Anyone with a complete amount of magic inside of them takes up silver hair to show their authority in the realm of magic. (This applies to mages, though they cannot use all of the magic inside of them
Very low tech
Name | |
emoji_events Flames blade | |
emoji_events Suroon pin | |
emoji_events Star relics |
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