info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

The Sunderscape

Description - How would you describe The Sunderscape?

A facsimile of the world after a cataclysmic world-ender that the people barely remember. People still live here - and they thrive, in many cases - but the toll the cataclysm has taken is evident in the ruined gravity spots, in the crumbling infrastructure, in the shattered moon that hangs forlorn in the sky.

Genre - What genre best describes The Sunderscape?

Post-Apocalyptic; Science Fiction

date_range History
History - What is The Sunderscape’s history?

The Sunderscape is the collective whole of society and its dregs after the civilized world was razed beyond repair. Here, people are rebuilding, and exploring, and living simpler lives than their predecessors. Here, knowledge is cherished and the tattered remains of cultures are preserved. Here, you would expect nothing beyond the savage and mercurial climate and the occasional feral predators to cause problems; you would never expect murder, or treason, or subterfuge...

gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in The Sunderscape?

Take the current world we live in. Now add arbitrary regions with hyper-gravity, and others with such low gravity that you have to wear weighted armor to avoid floating up to never return.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in The Sunderscape?

Television and the Internet are a thing of the past now. People use paper maps, and write letters, and - most vitally - listen to the radio. Hand-made armor is highly sought-out, and so blacksmiths are very well respected. Medicine has been brought back a couple steps, but given that many of the old diseases were wiped out in the cataclysm, along with the majority of the people.

edit Notes
This universe contains...
2 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Bluejay The amnesiac main character, audience surrogate, and eventual detective-figure.
group Aleksandr Strugatsky The radio man - one of the major forces keeping the post-apocalyptic Sunderscape community pulled together and well-informed. He's also known for rescuing stragglers, people lost in the wastelands.

This universe was created by arden "danger" nigh on

See more from arden "danger" nigh
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