info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Dystopian empire

Description - How would you describe Dystopian empire?

A empire has arrisen on a foundation of fear, the blood of inocents and packs with devils

Genre - What genre best describes Dystopian empire?


book History
History - What is Dystopian empire’s history?

once a normal world with small amounts of magic. A human with a first for power made a deal with a force of darkness and several centuries later a modern empire build on fear and blood covers 1/4 of the world. Small groups of rebels still persist but resistance is dangerous and futile.

gavel Rules
Technology - What is the level of technology like in Dystopian empire?


Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Dystopian empire?


Magic System - What is the magic system like in Dystopian empire?

magic has an high cost, one the empire is willing to pay. even the smallest of spells requires complex rituals and some sort of sacrifice

edit Notes

the lawenforcers/ army are called the Reapers and devided into squadrons with farying power, importance and slinking size towards the top.
Many got reqruited by force and tortured untill their spirit broke. those deemed strong enough were given a gift of darkness. the point at which this is given may vary

history Changelog
folder_open Magic system
How is it accessed?

through complex rituals (to summon the powergranting being) and sacrifices.

Who can use it

Anyone willing to pay the price

What is an example of a small/simple magic effect?

Slightly amplifying an ability you already have, like better smell or sight, this can often be given for four drops of blood and the memory of what you had for breakfast (once only or upgraded by the same being)

what is an example of a large/complex magical affect?

The ritual to give darkness to the reapers is complex and, on paper, requieres the payment of a soul/life. in return, for each life given, the reapers gets a gift of darkness like an aura of fear (mandatory from lvl 4) or de aility to sense/consume souls.
However, the more gifts a reaper gets the more the darkness controlls them

What are the exceptions if any?

Unless the being granting powers really really really likes you for some bizare reason, there are no exceptions

What are the costst

even a small magical effect requires a complex ritual and a sacrifice in the form of drops of blood, a memory or a piece of your life/being.

What are the basic rules?

  1. there is always a price to be payed with blood, mind or soul

  2. Magic can only grant power like fear aura's or imortality. it can't make stuff levitate

This universe contains...
1 item reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events - Sword with a thin blade inlayed with ruins. it glowes a soft blue-white hue

This universe was created by M.W. Poel on

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