Grimm-> titel
3 -> 3th oldest Grimm out of 13
Pitch black
pale like a corps
athletic, trained for battle
Uniform: black pants, long, black coat with hood, rubby red waistcoate
An aura of darkness
Forced to join the reapers and has given up trying to fight the darkness the empire gave her
Has no hopes or dreams
resistance to the empire is futile, the rebels must have a death wish
Great swordsmanship
Naturally terrifying (-powers)
listening to Metal music
Distant and pessimistic
1 & 2. acquired out of free will from an ancient spirit guarding a cemetery
3. the first power a reaper gets, unwillingly acquired from a demon for the soul of a todler
4 &5. unwillingly acquired from a devil for the price of seven lifes and three drops of her blood
1&2. willingly acquired, blessing
3&4&5. unwillingly acquired, curse
- increased speed
- increased ability
- fear aura
- sense souls
- recreate body (price=soul/life)
primary school and reaper training from the age of 14
Grimm3 exhibited physical prowes and high levels of inteligence. She was reqruited at the age of 14 and enrolled in the spirit-fae
Gorgons- Euryale485,
Hellhound 214,
Grimm3 apears the only one capable of completly ridding her mind of the darkness inbetween periods but still can't repress it completly. After years of attempting to resist the darkness, Grimm3 finally gave up when reaching ........-.........
This character was created by M.W. Poel on
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wouldn't be sad to see the empire fall
Reaper (Grimm), Special force to swiftly bring down threats within the empire
chocolate-berry muffin
scythe/ longsword