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This universe contains...
11 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Ghost Motivator. Blackmailer. an anti hero.. or villain. Is a gifted technomancer. Able to upload and download self to computers, wirelessly interacte with them via her own mind. The super power to ...
group Raquel 'Crackers' D'Orazio Breaker. Very strong. melee hits deal critical injuries
group Coriolano 'Shades' Tantalo Where shades to keep a powerful gaze attack supressed
group Zack Druer Aka StormShot Quelled of the living
group Kiara Tavos Anti heropowers include :illusion, Sound, harm, super toughness,flight
group Zack druer Hero powers include Elemental control Shapeshifting Gravity Telepathy Energy absorption
group StormShot, Qweller of the living. Villain Powers include Precognition Super agility Super Toughness Energy control Telekenisis
group Kaylie 'The Hulk' Ciraulo Appearing normal, can shapeshift at will into a hulking brute
group Mr universe God Tier. Super human x Energy blast Telekenisis Gravity Magic
group Wyatt 'Mumbler' Shutts can generate extremely loud sonic booms. Mumbles to avoid collateral
group Amato 'Big Brains' Magno Telekenetic

3 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Eco Tech Inc. Location in the financial district, it's an undergrou d lab for a shady advanced science business used as a front to cover the lab. EcoTech, they create environmental friendly stuff and provide ...
terrain Metropolis A large sprawling metropolis filled with people. It has 5 major districts. The harbor; The largest resources center in the city. Ships, trains and all the storage space you can muster. Hi...
terrain Metropolis Industrial District Bordering the river that seperate Metropolis from the mainland and the calm river waters from teh roaring ocean. Warehouses, storage buildings, dock yards, train stations and Machinery to move ...

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