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This universe contains...
3 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain The Ruins The first location in the underground, home to Froggits, Whimsuns, Vegetoids and obviously the one and only Toriel. It primarily consists of the colours purple, the different shades. You can find t...
terrain Snowdin Snowdin is a wintery forest with a quaint little town in the center. In it, there are two quirky skeletons in it, Sans and Papyrus, a snowman who asks you to take a piece of him to the surface, a m...
terrain Mount Ebbot Children, or adults for that matter, aren't allowed to climb up this mountain, for fear of what was there.

1 item reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Monster Candy Has a distinct, non licorice flavour

This universe was created by Elizabeth on

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