info Overview
Name - What is Mountday named?


Description - How would you describe Mountday?

A military holiday, not really celebrated by the general public.

Type of tradition - What kind of tradition is Mountday?


track_changes Observance
Date(s) - When does Mountday happen?

According to Captain Hyustus Staget, it's the 24th of Marpenoth... he's pretty sure.

Groups - What groups celebrate Mountday?

It's a military holiday, typically celebrated by veterans and their families, but not the general public.

flare Celebrations
date_range History
Etymology - Where did the name for Mountday originally come from?

The holiday and its name are derived from a historical battle that took place during the Spellplague. It involved a mounted charge up a hill, so the name is sort of a play on words - "mount" as in "a creature you ride" and also "a hill or mountain."

edit Notes
Item chevron_right Description link mentioned Mountday

Lore chevron_right Traditions link linked Mountday

Tradition chevron_right Date(s) link mentioned Mountday

Character chevron_right Notes link mentioned Mountday

Scene chevron_right Mentioned in scene link linked Mountday

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