info Overview
Name - What's the name of this town?


Description - How would you describe Vivania?

Capital of Summer

Other names - What other names is Vivania known by?

The City where the Sun Never Sets

group Populace
map Layout
Buildings - What buildings are in Vivania?

The Summer Palace, the Hall of Dreamers (an art museum), Royal Concert Hall, Avi's Temple

Landmarks - What landmarks are in Vivania?

A statue of Harmony Everglow, the first queen of Summer, holding her famous lyre stands in the market center.

Main roads - What main roads are there in Vivania?

All the roads in town eventually filter to the museum.

Busy areas - What are the busiest areas of Vivania?

The city's central marketplace, called the Hearth, is always packed with vendors and tourists.

Neighborhoods - What are the neighborhoods in Vivania, and how do they differ?

The homes of the royal advisors and noble people sit adjacent to the castle.

face Culture
Politics - What are the politics like in Vivania?

The royal family, the nobleman, and the royal advisors all live in Vivania. It is the center of all Summer politics.

date_range History
Founding story - How was Vivania founded?

Vivania was founded by Harmony Everglow, the first queen of Summer, in the year 50 PB. During that time, Summer was in chaos. After the banishment of the gods, the Summer folk split into several distinct groups who all argued that their trade was the best. The potters fought with the painters, the musicians with the jewelers, and so on. Everglow knew that if this infighting continued, they would never be able to compete with the other Domains. If Summer were going to prosper, they had to do it together. And so, Everglow went on a massive campaign all over the Domain playing her lyre. She used her incredible gift of music and song to ease tensions and spread the message that they should be working together. The scattered people of Summer began to follow her until they reached the shores of Emerald Bay. It was there that they built Vivania under the careful leadership of Queen Harmony.

Established year - When was Vivania founded?

50 PB (post-banishment)

autorenew Sustainability
Food sources - Where does Vivania get their food from?

Vivania, being located on the shores of Emerald Bay, has a very successful fishing population. They import fish, crabs, shrimp, squid, clams, and all other manner of sea creature. They receive most of their crops through trade with Autumn.

edit Notes
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This town was created by Lola Graves on

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