info Overview
Name - What's the name of this town?

Braxton Caster Community


Unites States Of America (Massachusetts)

group Populace
folder_open Layout
face Culture
date_range History
Founding story - How was Braxton Caster Community founded?

Despite being one of the most populated communities in America,
Braxton has numerous times been listed as one of the toughest in the country to live in.

Originally a small community nestled against the city limits of Boston Massachusetts, it was meant to remain that way. However, from the early 1920s to the mid 1930s, a historical and unexplained boom in spontaneously-born casters in Boston and the surrounding areas led to Braxton being flooded with children, and multiple orphanages and schools built to accommodate them.

Of course, the children turned into adults, who had children of their own, and the population skyrocketed in a walled community with little room to grow.

While some moved away, most were resistant to the idea, and with no leniency to expand the community's walls, the population gradually developed a solution.

They began building downward, creating deep trenches which they carved into apartments and alleyways with open tops to let what little sunlight they could get through. Over time, at least half of the community had been pushed underground, and they'd built a functional life this way.

However, time found the poorest of the community living further down in smaller and smaller spaces, some raising families in 'Shoebox' apartments, barely bigger than parking spaces, and regular flooding causing damages and injuries.

Along with this, many of the 'Abandoned' children of the previous generation showed the psychological effects of their upbringing, which was then reflected by neglect and abuse of many of the following generations. All of this ultimately resulted in a skyrocketed crime-rate, which to this day requires regular intervention from non-caster authorities.

This being said, many Braxton residents are proud and many refuse to leave, even when given the opportunity.

edit Notes
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