info Overview
Name - What is Dr. Franklin Blythe’s full name?

Dr. Franklin Blythe

Role - What is Dr. Franklin Blythe’s role in your story?


Gender - What is Dr. Franklin Blythe’s gender?


Age - How old is Dr. Franklin Blythe?

60 (When Introduced)

Full Name

Franklin Cottham Blythe



face Looks
Body Type

Broad-shouldered and sturdy-bodied

Weight - How much does Dr. Franklin Blythe weigh?

Approx 180 lbs

Height - How tall is Dr. Franklin Blythe?


Hair Color - What color is Dr. Franklin Blythe’s hair?

Salt & Pepper

Hair Style - How does Dr. Franklin Blythe style their hair?

Short, Professional

Eye Color - What is Dr. Franklin Blythe’s eye color?

Light Brown

Race - What is Dr. Franklin Blythe’s race?

Human (Caster)

Skin Tone


fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Dr. Franklin Blythe?

Stoic, Manipulative, Ambitious, Intelligent, Well-spoken.

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Dr. Franklin Blythe have?


Job - What job does Dr. Franklin Blythe have?

Leader Of 'The Uncontained' Terrorist Organization

date_range History
Background - What is Dr. Franklin Blythe’s background?

Franklin Blythe was born in 1960 in Haling, in Massachusetts, U.S.

He was initially raised Mormon, the son of two strong practicers. However, he himself found very little pull towards religion and instead drew more towards the sciences, proving to be very intelligent from a young age—but also very solitary—with a lack of understanding of social norms. Throughout his childhood his parents had to deal with multiple instances of him acting inappropriately with others (Touching inappropriately, physically harming without remorse, asking personal and sometimes vulgar questions, etc) but it was hoped that he’d grow out of this.

Blythe discovered his own inclination towards white magic on his own after accidentally using it on his mother to get her out of his hair. He immediately decided to keep it to himself and only use his manipulation abilities when completely necessary.

Necessity arose sooner than expected. In high-school, Blythe was called out after attempting to force himself onto another male student in the boy’s washroom. The student reported the incident and Blythe narrowly escaped being implanted by convincing multiple authority and judicial figures that it was a complete misunderstanding.
Having a keen interest in the human body and medical science, Blythe took advantage and studied to become a doctor immediately after graduating high-school. During schooling, he befriended a fellow student named Iris Dennison and the two remained close even after earning their degrees and moving into their respective fields.

Blythe worked a few years at the local clinic, but found little purpose there. This, combined with his fear of being outed in his own hometown, lead to his decision to move from Braxton to Haling, a much poorer caster community, where he could enter a program to become a family physician and therefore aid more people.

Blythe ended up beloved by patients in Haling. His ability to talk down frightened patients and somehow ease their pain with words alone made him a quick favorite. Though he found himself gradually more and more dissatisfied by the limitations the people in these poor communities had in terms of medical resources and funding for treatment. He found his lacking sense of empathy gradually begin to grow stronger with every saveable patient they lost or left with preventable permanent injury.

He finally snapped after long-time friend Dr. Iris Dennison left her community to go to his, begging for treatment for her asthmatic toddler, after doctors in Braxton had failed to do anything, though found even he lacked the resources to aid him.

Running out of time, Blythe quickly worked up and executed a plan. He snuck out of the community and into a non-caster hospital. He wore his magic thin convincing the doctors and nurses that he worked there and that the child was a normal, non-caster child. The little boy received the medication he needed under Blythe’s care—and was saved, but this experience convinced Blythe entirely that the caster population was considered disposable, since the government was completely fine with children dying of preventable diseases just because they wouldn’t spend a little more to give them the medical resources they needed to treat it.

He started seeking out likeminded casters—and after a few years, managed to find a small grouping of rebelling casters within his state, many of which were living secretly outside of the communities. Blythe and Iris immediately asked to be a part of the cause and were quickly accepted, simply for being doctors. He spent multiple years learning of the growing rebellion against Thomlin Law and the overall imprisonment of casters throughout North America, calling themselves the “Uncontained”—and he quickly volunteered to strengthen the branch surrounding his home-town.

Over the years, Blythe worked his way up the hierarchy of the Uncontained, slowly proposing his own strategies. The Uncontained were no different from other small criminal rebellions throughout the world, but Blythe felt they were nowhere near as productive as they needed to be to make a difference. Though the organization had spent years opening ‘witch-farms’ and breeding monstrosities throughout Canada and the States and threatening/attacking non-caster settlements with their creations, they were small and ineffective.

Blythe determined a perfect place for a headquarters, hidden in Quebec, Canada—and he founded a new branch of Uncontained, moving along with Iris and relocating a witch-farm he’d been presiding over to Eastern Ontario, where he figured he could collect more witches from the nearby communities of Thomlin, Helten and Kentenna without drawing too much attention to their Quebec settlement. He had Iris choose which community she’d be most comfortable in—and he pulled some strings to get her a job as a psychiatrist there, reporting potential witches to the farmer.

Blythe, himself, took a job at the hospital in Bonne Ange Caster community, where he met resident Alexandre Simard, whom he comforted in the hallway after Alexandre was sent into a panic attack from getting a patient’s vomit on his clothes.

The pair quickly bonded and, after a few years, Blythe decided to reveal his secret double-life to his new romantic partner. Alexandre was surprisingly thrilled by the concept and immediately asked to be part of the cause, though his intentions were not quite as well-meaning as Blythe’s, and Alexandre seemed to be fueled by his own sadism.

Blythe honored Alexandre with a placement as the warden of his newest project—a ‘home’ he’d created from a large, abandoned house in the middle of rural Quebec, where he would gather up users of powerful white magic and they’d be brought up to aid in the oncoming war against the non-casters and their oppressive government.

He gave Alexandre full reign of the project, which lead to the home being run differently than Blythe would prefer, but he turned his back on it, focusing only on the necessity.

A few years had passed, (with great success), when a new registered nurse was hired to work under Blythe. The nurse, a poor young Irish immigrant and newlywed by the name of Lawrence O'Sullivan, ever-so-slightly pulled on Blythe’s sense of empathy—and he took Lawrence under his wing, becoming somewhat of an off-duty paternal figure to the young man who had no family except for his young wife, Marie O'Sullivan. Whom Blythe discovered to be a user of white magic and started quietly planning a way to win her over, with poor results.

A couple years later, Blythe was made god-father to Lawrence and Marie’s newborn daughter, Emma O'Sullivan, who he’d helped deliver. Shortly thereafter—Blythe was the one to detect Marie’s troubling symptoms and send her for testing where she was quickly diagnosed with a terminal brain-cancer.

Blythe ended up being the one to watch Emma when Lawrence and Marie were in and out of doctor’s appointments and chemotherapy treatments, which, years later, led to a horrible discovery—Emma’s incredibly powerful white magic, much stronger than her mothers and even his own.

Once this was detected, Blythe knew he had no choice but to do what he had to do in order to take this power for his cause to utilize. He immediately began working away at Lawrence’s easily-manipulated mind, convincing him that his daughter was in danger and needed to be taken somewhere safe so that she wouldn’t be taken away from her struggling family.

He convinced Lawrence to willingly hand his daughter over to him, and then he housed her in Alexandre’s institute to be raised as a weapon for The Uncontained.
Lawrence, himself, Blythe continued to work on, for he knew he needed to get rid of him or risk losing Emma. He decided to kill two birds with one stone—and he began gradually dropping hints that he knew of a way to cure Marie of her illness. Piece-by-piece—he worked his way into Lawrence’s head, convincing him that the only way to keep his wife was to offer her up to be witched, since the rot would kill the cancer cells and she would stay alive.

The manipulation worked magnificently, and Blythe had Lawrence absolutely certain that his wife witching was better than her dying of cancer. He eventually agreed to let it happen and Blythe set up a plan to keep Marie as a witch—and then cause Lawrence to witch also, rotting from his own guilt. That—or kill him.

However, during the process, Marie broke free from her binds and killed Blythe’s witch-farmer before dragging Lawrence off into the woods. It took three days for Blythe's workers to find the couple, capturing Marie and treating Lawrence’s injuries.

Blythe took pity on Lawrence—and made a deal with him. Swearing that he would keep his wife and daughter alive and keep Lawrence from witching if Lawrence agreed to take the previous witch-farmer’s place and run the farm himself. He agreed.

Over the course of nearly two decades, Blythe’s influence has grown substantially and he has been a crucial element in the modern influence of The Uncontained, the Thomlin Law protesters and the growing revolution of casters fighting against the nationwide laws that keep them caged in communities, selling their abilities for necessary means of survival.
He married Alexandre in 2005 and has watched proudly as his housing project turned into a successful institute, filled with magically gifted young casters.

He has worked his way into the minds of multiple influential people, he has set up a handful of functioning witch farms and he helping to spark the flame of a potential war that started from nothing more than a cult-like organization, working underground.

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