language Stardust

Liliane finds Equestria


After travelling with her children for some time, Queen Liliane discovers the lands of Equestria

In this event

Liliane meets Star Swirl


The alicorn queen stumbles upon Brywood, and takes a liking to recently orphaned Star Swirl, teaching him what she knows about magic.


Alidia is far more advanced in magic than the newly-founded Equestria. Even the ever-talented Gusty the Great, and Clover the Clever could not compare.

In this event

A group of Crystal Keepers leave Alidia


Discontent with the life they were forced into, most of the Crystal Keepers exit the city.

Dragons arrive in Equestria


After being forced out of their home by the Crystal Keepers, a group of dragons makes the peak in Equestria their home.

Creation of the Crystal Empire

The Red Eye


In Alidia, Lorelei kills the remaining Crystal Keepers and takes control of the sun and moon.

In this event

Queen Liliane leaves Equestria


Leaving her daughters in the care of Brywood, Liliane journeys back to Alidia.


She teaches Star Swirl how to move the sun and moon, and the crystal seed in her possession is entrusted to him.

Lorelei is stopped


Lorelei enters magic overload, and in her moment of weakness, her takeover is stopped by the leaders of Alidia.

The Trial


Lorelei is tried for her actions, ultimately being stripped of her magic and banished from Alidia.


Since raw magic cannot be destroyed, it was sealed in a jar and placed somewhere beneath Alidia.

The Fall


While Alidia reels from the loss of every single Crystal Keeper, they are attacked by the gem-seeking Wyverns.


The Wyverns unwittingly stumble upon Lorelei's magic and release it, causing Alidia and the surrounding communities to fall.

Del Darken Marung


The sun and moon are no longer controlled by the Alidians. This affects the lands all around the world.


After studying an Old Ponish blog written by a language nerd, I decided to write the title for the Historical Tablet in Old Ponish. Considering it's also written in Old Ponish, I went for it. It should translate to "The Dark Morning"

Queen Liliane subdues the Nightmare Forces

Six wizards take control


Lead by Star Swirl and using the teachings of Liliane, the sun and moon are returned to the sky.


Since moving the sun and moon requires more magic than they can comfortably put out, they must teach Liliane's daughters how to do it themselves.

The possession of Moon Spark


Some time after being subdued by Liliane, the Nightmare Forces finds its way to Equestria and chooses Moon Spark as a host.


A piece of Lorelei's magic was flung away from the Beyond.
Unable to withstand the vast amounts of magic it carries, Moon Spark enters magic overload and blows up half the mountain she is trapped in, creating the Broken Pass and plunging her into a deep sleep.

Brywood grows


Visitors from other communities come and go.


Liliane's three foals start their studies



Some of the villagers suspect the dragons are prowling about.

The village guard is formed

Untitled Event