info Overview
Name - What is the name of The Second Basketball Game?

The Second Basketball Game

Summary - In short, what happens in The Second Basketball Game?

While at a basketball game with The Arrival, Taylor is caught in the room with people from another government who demand the Arrival to come with them. Taylor poses as Christopher, Collin stalls for time, and eventually, Christopher takes Kent's ability and kills the men, exposing their abilities to the gym, and Taylor.

gesture Action
What caused this? - What previous events led to The Second Basketball Game?

The creation of The Arrival with Augmented DNA Injection. This information made its way around to several groups, and they all wanted a piece of that experiment.

Description - What happens in The Second Basketball Game?

Christopher goes to the bathroom and decides to take a quick look around because he feels like it. He sees the men entering the building and sends a heads up to the rest of the group, before returning and hiding in the bathroom. Kent pulls Taylor a few seats away from Anna and brings him into Augmentation: The Hub-1, telling him that he will be posing as Christopher. Taylor holds this facade together as best he can. Collin stalls for as long as needed, as Christopher switches with Kent and kills the bad guys with The Leech. Taylor has a panic attack, Kent helps him calm down slightly and then disappears with the rest of the Arrival to help Christopher in the bathroom, who is completely drained and empty.

Results - At the end of The Second Basketball Game, what has changed?

Taylor and the rest of the college now know that at least Marius Green has abilities. Taylor has been introduced into Augmented DNA Injection, and has now unlocked the ability to communicate telepathically with the team to a small extent.

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This scene was created by Chesca Lynn on

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