The truth
Damien finally tells his family why they occasionally find him bloodied and between
Damien is admitted to a mental hospital. The only person willing to believe him even slightly is his sister Gwen(dolyn)
Miranda Black found her son near dead in his room trying to stitch himself up.
The horror on her face spoke volumes. Of course the levels if worry, fear, and concern reaching levels my mother had likely never experienced before. Then again what parent wouldn't feel these things. Seeing there kid almost out of high school bleeding and bruised on his bathroom floor.
I didn't know how to respond to her face, it hurt. "Hey, mom. Sorry I missed dinner." A woefully inadequate statement for someone so important.
Her voice quivering, breaking my heart; "what... How...did this." falling to her knees. Her hand reached out for me as though I wasn't a few feet in front of her
This scene was created by M.R.Wright on
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