info Overview
Name - What is Damien Lucien Black’s full name?

Damien Lucien Black

Age - How old is Damien Lucien Black?

Around 20

Gender - What is Damien Lucien Black’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Damien Lucien Black go by?

Serpent Prince
Herald of Doom

Role - What is Damien Lucien Black’s role in your story?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Damien Lucien Black have?

Clean shaven

Hair Style - How does Damien Lucien Black style their hair?

Slicked back

Hair Color - What color is Damien Lucien Black’s hair?

Golden blond

Height - How tall is Damien Lucien Black?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Damien Lucien Black have?

Burn markings around his mouth

Weight - How much does Damien Lucien Black weigh?

145lbs much of which is his muscle and bone

Body Type


Skin Tone


Linked Races

Race - What is Damien Lucien Black’s race?


Eye Color - What is Damien Lucien Black’s eye color?

Normally black(golden)

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Damien Lucien Black have?

Has a dislike of authority. But tries to help the little people(Bully to the bullies)

Motivations - What motivates Damien Lucien Black most?

The people he cares about

Flaws - What flaws does Damien Lucien Black have?

Quick to anger

Talents - What talents does Damien Lucien Black have?

A skilled member in the kingdom of war. With vast untouched potential as the son of Lucifer

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Damien Lucien Black’s favorite food?

Earth: pizza
Heaven: ambrosia
Hell: apples

Favorite animal - What is Damien Lucien Black’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Damien Lucien Black’s favorite weapon?

Long sword

Favorite color - What is Damien Lucien Black’s favorite color?

Blue and Red

Occupation - What is Damien Lucien Black’s occupation?


Religion - What religion does Damien Lucien Black practice?


info History
Birthday - When is Damien Lucien Black’s birthday?


Background - What is Damien Lucien Black’s background?

Age 4: his little sister is born(half sibling, fully human)

Age 7: accidentally slips in to purgatory meeting death

Age 12: Damien saves his little sister from a house fire but his back and upper left leg was burned severely leaving large scares

Age 13: Damien starts to study the arcane arts in secret from his family

Age 15: he travels to purgatory on purpose meeting other Nephilum

Age 17: masters the ability to manipulate light and dark energies

Age 18: he meets her

Education - What is Damien Lucien Black’s level of education?

High school

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Damien Lucien Black have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Damien Black
Born: 07-31
Age 3: accidentally slips in to purgatory meeting death
Age 4: his little sister is born(half sibling, fully human)
Age 12: Damien saves his little sister from a house fire but his back and upper left leg was burned severely leaving large scares
Age 13: Damien starts to study the arcane arts in secret from his family
Age 15: he travels to purgatory on purpose meeting other Nephilum
Age 17: masters the ability to manipulate light and dark energies
Age 18: he meets her

"I am the thing every nightmare fears; prof that morning comes"

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This character was created by M.R.Wright on

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