info Overview
Name - What is The Weave's name?

The Weave

Other names - What other names is The Weave known by?

The one faith

Description - How is The Weave usually described?

The weave can be described in many ways, by many people.

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forum Beliefs
Prophecies - What prophecies does The Weave teach?

As soon as the ground shifts, a man of gold shall bring an end to the gods and an age of inhumanity.

Teachings - What values does The Weave teach?

The weave teaches that everyone is connected to a vibrant tapestry that never ends. Everyone and everything is the tapestry, and it must be preserved. When one dies, they are recycled back into the tapestry where their soul lives on.

Places of worship - Where does The Weave worship happen?

Temples. Worship is done through working a loom typically, although it is often done with what the society currently needs. If they need cloth and fabric, it is with a loom; if they are primal, they worship by weaving baskets.

Worship services - What kind of worship services are common with The Weave?

Funeral services, marriage, and birth.

Obligations - What kinds of obligations are required of those who practice The Weave?

They must work the loom or equivalent once a month.

Vision of paradise - What does the The Weave vision of paradise look like?

When one dies, their thread is recycled back into the tapestry, they live on forever.

account_balance Traditions
Rituals - What rituals are common with The Weave?

When praying, they bring their own work. This work is called a life sheet, it is their internal threads story. When a person dies, they are wrapped in their life sheet before being buried or cremated.
It should be noted that some races handle death and burial differently. The dwarves for instance do not create a life sheet. Instead they weave their beards (or hair if female), adding small trinkets to represent accomplishments in their life (battles, deals, travel, ect.) When a dwarf dies, their heir receives this life braid and incorporates it into their beard (or hair).

Initiation process - What does the The Weave initiation process entail?

Initiation is typically done at birth. The child has their finger pricked and their blood is added into their home temples red dye.

location_on Spread
history Changelog
edit Notes
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