Creatures of folklore, these creatures are not depicted nearly as well as you think.
Varies as well as a human's
Typically ashier versions of most pre-existing human tones (Yes, black people are included here)
Females: 5'8
Males: 5'6
~180 lbs
Full row of fang-like teeth, contrary to the commonly depicted 2 fangs. Daywalkers have generally healthier skin
As much variance as a human. In fact, they're both of the Homo genus
Males typically live around sap-rich trees, so they may take on a more "Lumberjack" appearance
Durable skin, Teeth are better for chewing down meats and woods
Non-daywalker vampires are more vulnerable to UV rays, prolonged absence of food may lead to violence and irritability
Gothic styles and dark colours are common in vampire culture
Witchcraft and pagan religions are very common.
No universal government. They live alongside humans in this field.
Ditto, they share technologies with humans
Female vampires typically depend on blood for sustenance, while males depend on saps and nectars. They can eat other foods as well. (Ex: a vampire can get their blood from red meats, or sap/nectar from syrups)
This race was created by Michael Palmer on
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