info Overview
Name - What is Elf named?


Description - How would you describe Elf's people?

Elves are a spiritual and otherworldly race, known for their love of nature, magic, art and music. They can live for over 700 years and are considered young until they declare themselves adults, usually around 100. Elves tend to have limited contact with outsiders but will trade with others.
There are three sub-races of Elf; high elves, wood elves, and the Drow.

face Looks
Typical clothing - What kind of clothing is common with Elf individuals?

Elves favour elegant clothing in bright colours, and enjoy simple jewellery.

Magical variance

• There is little difference between the genders with regards to height and weight.

Notable features - What physical features on a Elf are most noticeable?

Elves have large, pointed ears.

Skin colors - What skin color(s) are common on the Elf race?

Ranging across typical human tones and including copper, bronze, and bluish-white.

Facial features

• Elven hair tones range across typical human tones as well as including green and blue.
• They have no facial hair and little body hair.

Body types

100-145lb; they tend to weigh less than humans.

fingerprint Traits
Traits and Abilities

Elves lean towards being gently chaotic aligned.

Strengths - What are the strengths of Elf?

• Elves are often unfazed by petty happenstances; they have a great calm and composure.
• When pursuing their goals, elves can be focused and relentless.
• They trust in diplomacy and compromise to resolve differences without resorting to violence but, if needed, they have a strong martial side.
• They are often skilled strategists.
• They often feel strong wanderlust and may travel to experience the world.

They speak Elvish and Common.

Weaknesses - What are the weaknesses of Elf?

• They can be slow to make both friends and enemies.
• When they feel truly insulted they may be very vengeful.

groups Culture
Favorite foods - What are the most common favorite foods of the Elf?

Elves hunt game, gather food, and grow vegetables.

Occupations - What occupations are common with Elf individuals?

Elves are talented artisans, capable of crafting finely worked clothes and art.

In other lands, Elves are typically:
• Mistrals
• Artists
• Sages
• Instructors; human nobles seek elf instructors to teach their children swordplay or magic.

Traditions - What traditions are common with Elf's individuals?

• Elves are called by their child names until they declare adulthood; at this point they choose an adult name. Those who knew them as youngsters may still refer to them by their child names. Elves may translate their family names into Common if they are living among humans.

date_range History
history Changelog
edit Notes

An elf character may be motivated by:
• Wanderlust; a desire to see the world, to travel, or to avoid regimented life.
• Exercising their martial powers, or training themselves.
• Gaining greater magical power.
• Moral causes; they may join rebels fighting oppression, or may act as champions to a cause.

Character chevron_right Linked Races link linked Elf

Character chevron_right Linked Races link linked Elf

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