info Overview
Name - What is Valanthe Sanidai’s full name?

Valanthe Sanidai

Age - How old is Valanthe Sanidai?


Gender - What is Valanthe Sanidai’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Valanthe Sanidai go by?


Role - What is Valanthe Sanidai’s role in your story?

Barbarian Outlander

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Valanthe Sanidai’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Valanthe Sanidai have?

Elves have no facial hair and little body hair.

Hair Style - How does Valanthe Sanidai style their hair?

Braided away from her face. She will often 'store' small items in her hair and then forget about them.
Myev Sanidai styles her hair for her in the mornings; when Val sets off adventuring she leaves her hair how her wife first styled it, and so it will quickly become messy and with twigs, leaves, or small objects lodged in it.

Hair Color - What color is Valanthe Sanidai’s hair?

Muddy brown

Height - How tall is Valanthe Sanidai?

4' 11"; she is short even for an elf and hates this. She often tries to appear taller than she is by rolling onto the balls of her feet or puffing up her chest.

Body Type

She has a slightly underfed appearance. Rangy, wiry, and tough. She has a flat chest and, for an elf, extremely broad shoulders. Her clothes are often plain and oversized, as she borrows them from her wife.

Weight - How much does Valanthe Sanidai weigh?

94lb; she is skinny even for an elf

Skin Tone

Dark copperish hue, weathered

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Valanthe Sanidai have?

  • Left arm deformed; ends before elbow. She has a wooden Prosthetic Arm.

  • Tattoo on right wrist, marking her as a member of The Fangs of Mielikki, cut through the middle.

  • Scar over bridge of nose; broken nose.

  • Rings and studs in both ears.

Linked Races

Race - What is Valanthe Sanidai’s race?

Wood Elf

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Valanthe Sanidai have?

She cannot stand the upper classes or merchant classes; anyone she considers to be well-off.


Amputee, she has a Prosthetic Arm

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Valanthe Sanidai have?

"What use are manners when you're wrestling a bear for your dinner?"

  • She becomes very uncomfortable in cities, crowds, or fancy places. She eats with her mouth open, and she cleans her nails with a knife. She likes to turn chairs backwards to sit on them.

  • She becomes bored if inactive for too long. She will fidget, often touching things and breaking them by accident. She will tap her fingers against her wooden arm, pick at it, jiggle her limbs, and insist they move on.

  • If feeling threatened, or angling for a fight, she will bunch up her fists and stand on tip-toes. She gets in peoples faces and will often get louder and louder the more annoyed she gets.

Motivations - What motivates Valanthe Sanidai most?

"No man holds dominion over the lives of others; nor over nature."

She fights fiercely to protect the environment, and is willing to kill to maintain natures balance.

"I am slow to trust- but when I do my loyalty is unwavering."

Her wife is the most important thing in the world to her. Though she longs to adventure again, she will miss her fiercely and will always return to her. Those she considers friends or allies she is fiercely loyal to.

Flaws - What flaws does Valanthe Sanidai have?

"I am quick to anger and love few things more than a drunken brawl."

  • She is fond of drink and of fighting, more so if the two are combined.

  • She lacks caution and will rush into situations without considering all the options.

  • When angry she may see red and not think clearly.

  • She does not trust the rich.

Talents - What talents does Valanthe Sanidai have?

  • She can whittle wood, and create small trinkets.

  • She is multilingual.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Valanthe Sanidai have?

  • She enjoys fighting and drinking more than almost anything in the world.

  • She likes song and stories.

  • She likes to carve small trinkets, from wood or bone or stone, and will often gift these to people she likes.

Personality type - What personality type is Valanthe Sanidai?

  • She has a fierce and long-burning temper, liable to explode at the slightest provocation.

  • She has a wandering spirit, is easily bored, and craves adventure. She feels change is a natural part of life, as it is in nature, and she does not resist change. She loves fighting and battle, and will seek out a brawl when she becomes bored.

  • She has keen instincts.

  • She has a strong sense of loyalty, and when she has decided a person is 'hers' she would sacrifice everything for them.

  • She lacks social graces or really any manners, and can offend without meaning to.

  • She is very passionate in her beliefs, and will sacrifice herself and others for a cause.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Valanthe Sanidai’s favorite food?

Orc stew, made with heavily spiced mutton. She often talks about the orcish food her wife makes as the height of cuisine, but does not realise orc food is generally considered foul.
She is a great fan of human alcohols.

Favorite weapon - What is Valanthe Sanidai’s favorite weapon?
Favorite possession - What is Valanthe Sanidai’s favorite possession?

Her Wedding Band, a very plain and very battered band that she considers her lucky charm.

Favorite color - What is Valanthe Sanidai’s favorite color?

Forest green

Occupation - What is Valanthe Sanidai’s occupation?

  • Adventurer for hire. She will do tasks for coin for almost anyone she meets on her travels. However, she is loyal to very few and will turn on her employer if she decides she doesn't like them.

  • Current member of The Emerald Enclave, and ex-member of The Fangs of Mielikki.

Politics - What politics does Valanthe Sanidai have?

  • Anarchic environmentalist

  • Chaotic-good leaning

Religion - What religion does Valanthe Sanidai practice?

She reveres Mielikki, but is patchy in her worship; she will pray and make offerings as and when she remembers.

Job - What job does Valanthe Sanidai have?

Adventurer for hire

info History
Background - What is Valanthe Sanidai’s background?

The Otornasse

Val grew up in a large wood elf otornasse (commune) at Stone Stand in The High Forest. For many years, The High Forest felt the effects of pollution from mines in the Sundabar Mountains. Smog and pollution run-off poisoned the air and water; fish, animals, and plants died and elves in the otornasse became sick.
The elves did not know what to do, as sickness was almost unheard of for them. Elves who fell pregnant lost their children, or they were born with deformed limbs.
Val was one of these children, her left arm deformed. Her father made her a Prosthetic Arm from the trees in the forest. Shortly after Val was born her mother showed signs of the illness and died when she was a child. Her father also grew ill, but lived until Val was a teenager.
Val and two of her friends often argued that the ortonasse should leave the forest but no one would listen. After Val's father died, they decided to leave even if no one else would.

The Enclave

As young elves without family, money, or many skills, they headed for the towns to try and make some money. They lived rough for a short while, and did odd-jobs for coin.
They met Reyrieth Mithdireil, an extremist member of The Emerald Enclave. The three elves became involved with The Emerald Enclave and became close-knit with Reyrieth Mithdireil. The four of them spent much of their youth fighting for The Emerald Enclave.

The Fangs

Over time, Val became dissatisfied with The Emerald Enclave. She felt that they were too soft, and that they focused too greatly on the cities and on human struggles. When Reyrieth Mithdireil decided to leave The Emerald Enclave and went on to found I Carca-o Mielikki ( The Fangs of Mielikki ), Val and her friends went with her. For many years they worked side-by-side.
Things went wrong when The Fangs of Mielikki planned an attack against a factory. Val found out that women and children lived in the area that would be targeted; she and her friends tried to prevent the attack. Reyrieth Mithdireil caught them and struck Val down; giving her the scar across her face and through her tattoo. Val was left for dead, but she managed to escape the factory and was only minimally injured in the bomb.

The Clerics

Following the attack The Clerics of Helm provided aid at the factory. They found Val half-dead in the rubble and brought her to the monastery to recover. It was here that Val met Myev Sanidai, her future wife. Myev Sanidai softened Val's harder edges, showed her a kinder and less extreme way of living.


After so many years of nomadic living and adventure, peaceful monastery life is not for Val. She has set her extremist past behind her and rejoined The Emerald Enclave. She has begun working as an adventurer for hire and has been taken on for her first job by Gundaram Rockseeker.
After her long period of respite she is not as intimidating a warrior as she used to be, but she is excited to adventure once more.

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history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Rachael on

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