info Overview
Name - What's the name of Earth?


Description - How would you describe Earth?

A water-based planet that Jack Bart Warren and several of his human friends and family occupy.

layers Geography
Size - How big is Earth?

3,959 mi

Surface - What is the surface of Earth like?

7 large landmasses surrounded by water

Climate - What's the climate on Earth like?

Cold at or near proximity to the poles. It gets hotter closer to the equator.

Weather - What's the weather like on Earth?

Differs depending on continent.

Water Content - What's the water content like on Earth?

71 percent of it is covered in water

Natural Resources - What natural resources are there on Earth?

Air, water and soil.
Biological resources - plants and animals.
Raw materials (like minerals)
Space and land.
Wind, geothermal, tidal and solar energy.

hourglass_empty Time
Length Of Day - How long is daytime on Earth?


Length Of Night - How long is night time on Earth?


Calendar System - What's the calendar system like on Earth?

The Gregorian Calendar

face Inhabitants
Population - What's the population like on Earth?

7.63 billion people

star_border Astral
Moons - Does Earth have any moons? If so, what are they?

One, nicknamed Luna.

Orbit - What does Earth's astral orbit look like?

it is the 3rd planet in an orbit of 8 planets around a yellow sun.

Visible Constellations - What constellations are visible from Earth?

Ursa Major
Ursa Minor
Canis Major

date_range History
First Inhabitants Story - How did the first inhabitants arrive on this planet?

It has been highly debated subject of human evolution vs. human creation around 2.83 billion years old.

World History - What is the world history of Earth?

It is 4.6 billion years old.

edit Notes
fireplace Climate

This planet was created by Ryan McHugh on

See more from Ryan McHugh
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