info Overview
Name - What is the name of Growth?


Description - How would you describe Growth?

A very unique ability possessed almost exclusively by Earth Pony

Type of magic - What type of magic is Growth?

Sleeper Magic
Definition: A type of magic that is not teachable, or forcibly attainable. It is simply present when the conditions are correct, and is usually subtle.

flash_on Appearance
Visuals - What do the visual effects of Growth look like?

When a clump of dirt, which contains the seed of a plant, is held in the hooves of an Earth Pony, it can be observed that the rate at which the plant grows is quite rapid.

Effects - What effects does Growth have?

Earth Ponies are much more advanced in agriculture than their fellow races.

flare Effects
polymer Alignment
lock Requirements
edit Notes

This magic was created by Elder_PurplePartyTiger on

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