info Overview
Name - What is the name of Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer)?

Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer)

Description - How would you describe Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer)?

This magic is owned by Taylor's sister

Type of magic - What type of magic is Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer)?

This Augmentation allows her to quickly heal members of her team by transferring parts of the injury to other members of the group, including herself. If one has a deep wound on one of their arms she can take half of it and transfer it to herself, giving her and the other individual a half-healed wound on their arm.

flash_on Appearance
Visuals - What do the visual effects of Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer) look like?

When she heals a member of her own hub, wounds will simply appear on her or another individual's body even if she is miles away, quickly shrinking or altogether disappearing on another persons. When she chooses to heal a human not in her hub she must have direct physical contact with that wound. This emits a strange color that can only be described as a color that the viewer has never seen before.

Effects - What effects does Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer) have?

The color can make people feel sick to their stomachs if gazed at for too long

Aftereffects - What visual effects persist after Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer)?

There will be stiffness in a 'healed' wound area for up to a week afterward. Stretching will not help it, but warm baths will.

flare Effects
Positive effects - What positive effects does Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer) have?

It allows her to heal team members and other individuals by transferring their wounds from one person to up to multiple people at one, maximum of 5.

Neutral effects - What neutral effects does Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer) have?

It allows her and her hub members to feel each other's physical existences. Much like Augmentation: The Hub-1, but without being able to talk about it. After some training, they can shut that down. It can be difficult, as they don't just feel each other's pain. They also feel the rain, feel sexual acts, and feel tight squeezes. This can be used to morse code information over long distances.

Negative effects - What negative effects does Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer) have?

If a feeling is too strong, like pain, the individual might have a harder time keeping that to themselves. If an injury is too severe, She can transfer it into multiple individuals, but no more than 5 or she can start to physically react through a stroke or seziure. If she takes on too much of a wound it can severely weaken her. She cannot transfer her own wounds onto others.

polymer Alignment
Element - What element is Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer) most closely aligned to?

Blood, so most like water.

Morality - How good or bad is Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer)?


Respectability - How respected are users of Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer)?


lock Requirements
Resource costs - What resource costs are required to use Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer)?

It takes a physical toll on Her to transfer injuries around. Now it takes a lot less due to training, but still.

Materials required - What materials are required to use Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer)?

A living person either within her hub or within touching distance.

Skills required - What skills are required to use Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer)?

Years of training with her and her hub has allowed her to master this ability.

Limitations - What limitations does Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer) have? What can't it do?

She cannot transfer wounds between more than 5 individuals. She cannot heal someone if whatever is causing their wound is still there (a bullet, an arrow, shrapnel) without fear of also transferring the thing that hurt them along with it. She cannot remove sicknesses that are in the bloodstream or large concentrations of cancerous growths.

Education - What needs to be learned before Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer) can be used?

Time and experience.

edit Notes
Character chevron_right Magical abilities link linked Augmentation: The Hub-2 (The Healer)

This magic was created by Chesca Lynn on

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