info Overview
Name - What is The Dragon Hoard's name?

The Dragon Hoard

Summary - In short, what happens in The Dragon Hoard?

It's rumored that when Dagult Neverember was Open Lord of Waterdeep, he embezzled a shitload of money and hid it somewhere beneath the city, where it remains to this day. If someone found it, they'd be a rich, rich person...

Type - What type of lore is this?

Urban legend

import_contacts Content
home Setting
thumbs_up_down Truthiness
False parts - What parts of The Dragon Hoard aren't based on truth?

  • Agents of the Zhentarim and Xanathar Guild believed that Dagult's son, Renaer Neverember, knew the location of either the Stone of Golorr or the Dragon Hoard itself. This is false; while Renaer does know a lot of things, those two are not among them.

face Culture
today Origin
date_range History
file_copy Variations
edit Notes
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