info Overview
Name - What is Arco City’s full name?

Arco City

Description - Describe Arco City.

Arco City is the largest, most technologically advanced city in the Sight of a New Home universe. It serves as the main receiver for the other islands surrounding it.

Type - What type of location is Arco City?

Arco City is an island city

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Arco City?


Sports - What sports are played in Arco City?

The closest thing Arco City has for sports is Arco Hall, the facility that trains mercenaries(which is more of an occuption than a sport). Otherwise, there are no real sports played in Arco City.

Laws - What are the laws in Arco City?

After the terrorist incident, murder is dealt with severe punishment ranging from imprisonment to exile.

Additionally, immigration from the other islands to Arco City has been strictly restricted. Inhabitants are unable to enter Arco City unless they are on an emergency basis.

Petty crimes (ex. theft, smuggling, etc.) is left to the mercenaries of Arco Hall to deal with.

Population - What is Arco City’s population?

Arco City is the largest in both area and population. At least 100,000 people reside in the city.

Motto - What is Arco City’s motto?


Currency - What currencies are used in Arco City?


business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Arco City in?

Arco City is on an island surrounded by other islands and countries.

Climate - What is the climate like in Arco City?

The climate of Arco City very cool, due to being surrounded by water. Occasionally, Arco City climate can be very breezy as well as cool.

Located at - Where is Arco City located?

The island on which Arco City is situated is the centerpiece of an archipelago of Arco City and the other islands and countries.

Crops - What crops does Arco City produce?

Crops are imported from Artemis. Arco City also has a very thriving fish market.

book History
Established Year - When was Arco City established?

Arco City was established centuries prior the beginning of the story.

Notable Wars - What notable wars has Arco City been involved in?

Arco City suffered a ruinous defeated at the hands of terrorists 13 years prior to the events of the main story.

Founding Story - How was Arco City founded?

Arco City was founded by two people known as Roy G. Arconia and Iris G. Bivillia. Using their charms of materialization, they created the city, becoming omnipotent beings in the process.

history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Arco City

This location was created by Kagura3417 on

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