info Overview
Name - What is Wastelands’s full name?


Type - What type of location is Wastelands?


Description - Describe Wastelands.

The middle section of Schisma that shares its coastline with Sector 1 and ends at the boundaries of Sector 2

face Culture
Motto - What is Wastelands’s motto?

There is no hell, only this earth we live on

Laws - What are the laws in Wastelands?

Every man for himself

Currency - What currencies are used in Wastelands?

None, trading is the primary way to exchange goods and services

Population - What is Wastelands’s population?

Aprox 500,000 but no one is sure

Language - What languages are spoken in Wastelands?


business Cities
map Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in Wastelands?

Desert in the middle, semi-arid in the south and tropical in the north

Located at - Where is Wastelands located?

In the centre of Schisma

Crops - What crops does Wastelands produce?

Wheat, coffee, fruit trees, vegetables

Area - What kind of area is Wastelands in?

Depending on location it varies from arid to semi-arid right through to desert, marshes, salt pans and semi-tropical

date_range History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has Wastelands been involved in?

Frontier and surrounding areas were involved in the war between Sector 1 and Frontier which established the uneasy trading truce between the two areas

Founding Story - How was Wastelands founded?

Those who didnt agree with the increasing totalitarian ideals of Sector 1 were pushed further and further into the desert. Those who survived the harsh elements became known as Killjoys

Established Year - When was Wastelands established?


history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by Ruby Stiff on

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