info Overview
Name - What is Asherith’s full name?


Description - Describe Asherith.

Outskirts of the Abyssal Territories

Type - What type of location is Asherith?


face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Asherith?


Population - What is Asherith’s population?


Currency - What currencies are used in Asherith?


Motto - What is Asherith’s motto?

Peace within, War without.

Laws - What are the laws in Asherith?

Serathelle laws

business Cities
map Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in Asherith?

Cloudy, rainy, bleak.

Located at - Where is Asherith located?

East of the Mountain Pride.

Area - What kind of area is Asherith in?

Dead Pine Forest

book History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has Asherith been involved in?

Abyssal Revolution

Founding Story - How was Asherith founded?

It was established by Abyssals looking to improe relations with the capital plains, rather than rebel from them.

history Changelog
edit Notes

They were not an active member of the Revolution. In fact, they were against the fight from the beginning, and had pleaded their case to the capital plains. However, they were targeted by overzealous capital troops.

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Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Asherith

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