info Overview
Name - What is Ceadardale Academy’s full name?

Ceadardale Academy

Description - Describe Ceadardale Academy.

A boarding school in Oregon

Type - What type of location is Ceadardale Academy?

Boarding School

face Culture
Currency - What currencies are used in Ceadardale Academy?


Language - What languages are spoken in Ceadardale Academy?


Motto - What is Ceadardale Academy’s motto?

Strive towards Future with Fate

Sports - What sports are played in Ceadardale Academy?

Lacrosse, Basketball, Soccer,

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Ceadardale Academy in?

Rural Forest with a long paved road to the highway. There is a few rivers going through the forest and a few clearings.

book History
history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by Jeana on

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