Sector 7
The Seventh Sector within the Heaven's Tomb underground complex.
This Sector's location in the middle of the underground complex is conducive for both the growth of subterranean food and the processing of raw Ore into a usable, technological form, amongst other work that can be achieved in this region.
Originally, Sector 7 was the primary economic production center for Heaven's Tomb, as its aforementioned location meant that farming and mining operations were most ideal here.
Unfortunately for the PentaCore Conglomerate (PCC), repeated mismanagement of the Worker Division's labor force resulted in the occurrence of the Second Rebellion, with many of its workers falling under the banner of the P3 Group, a corporation led by the Harvester Mecharus Oil Jack.
While the hard-fought war was ultimately unsuccessful in its primary mission to free the Worker Division from its bondage, the P3 Group was able to negotiate direct political control away from the PCC and towards themselves with the caveat that they offer a portion of their resources back to the corporation.
This location was created by Cackla, the Phantasma on
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