info Overview
Name - What is Hell’s full name?


Type - What type of location is Hell?


Description - Describe Hell.

Often mistaken as a realm of unimaginable torment, Hell is the native realm of all demons.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Hell?

Demonic, Some speak English, Even fewer can understand Angelic (But only the angels have the capability to speak it)

Population - What is Hell’s population?

Demons, Imps, Some angels

Currency - What currencies are used in Hell?

No currencies, Transactions are usually Item of interest for item of interest

Motto - What is Hell’s motto?

"Not Christian Hell. Humans not welcome."

Laws - What are the laws in Hell?

No universal laws

business Cities
map Geography
Crops - What crops does Hell produce?

Main produce is apples. Succulants occasionally grow farther down near Treachery

Climate - What is the climate like in Hell?

Lust is a very storm-heavy expanse, leaving no room for growth.
Gluttony is a long stone-paved area.
Greed is an Arid desert.
Anger is a large ocean.
Heresy is a dead forest riddled with graveyards.
Violence is the most diverse. it is filled with Forests, iron-rich oceans, and deserts.
Fraud is a dark tundra.
Treachery is an endless rink of ice.

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Hell founded?

Hell was created alongside every other realm during the Big Bang and has been expanding with them ever since

edit Notes
Race chevron_right Home realm link linked Hell

Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Hell

This location was created by Michael Palmer on

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