Often mistaken as a realm of unimaginable torment, Hell is the native realm of all demons.
Demonic, Some speak English, Even fewer can understand Angelic (But only the angels have the capability to speak it)
Demons, Imps, Some angels
No currencies, Transactions are usually Item of interest for item of interest
"Not Christian Hell. Humans not welcome."
No universal laws
Main produce is apples. Succulants occasionally grow farther down near Treachery
Lust is a very storm-heavy expanse, leaving no room for growth.
Gluttony is a long stone-paved area.
Greed is an Arid desert.
Anger is a large ocean.
Heresy is a dead forest riddled with graveyards.
Violence is the most diverse. it is filled with Forests, iron-rich oceans, and deserts.
Fraud is a dark tundra.
Treachery is an endless rink of ice.
Hell was created alongside every other realm during the Big Bang and has been expanding with them ever since
This location was created by Michael Palmer on Notebook.ai.
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