Quinn’s hometown
Rural forest town
On the coast, lots of either storms & hurricanes or sunny beach days. The area is curses or something, no one knows, but it make the residents sick and weak.
common, whale song
Bartering, and also coins.
The sooner begun, the sooner be done.
they're not all good ideas.
See; Ten Commandments.
Whatever they can think of
On the coast of Spades, with the town spread across a hill, so half of it is on a cliff and then it goes downhill to a nice sandy beach
Turnips, edible water lettuce, oysters, saltwater cattails
Stormy or sunny, no in between.
no one knows, its a small place without much significance.
For some reason, the area of enter better name than “quinn’s Hometown” is rather toxic, and the citizens are often weak, sickly, and/or have asthma. SOme are worse off than others, and our protagonist ( Darquinn Malcolm Hunter ) is better off than most other people. The others are underweight, just cause they are weak, and often pale. Their hair isn’t very healthy looking, so when outsiders come to town with their shiny, cared-for locks they seem impressive. The townsfolk speculate that the area is like this because they live on the coastline of Spades, so some sorcery probably took place long ago, making the air subtly toxic, and the water less pure than it might have been.

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