info Overview
Name - What is The Maelstrom’s full name?

The Maelstrom

Description - Describe The Maelstrom.

Deeper within the Field, one can find the Maelstrom, a whirlpool of space rock and debris drawn in by the stars Zebraxys and Vetrynin, named after gods of chaos from two unknown cultures. Few ships pass through here due to the risk of being hit by high velocity space matter, but the passage between the two stars at the core of the Maelstrom are most dangerous.

There are some stray planets present within the Maelstrom, but they don't have much outward use for living. Instead, they serve as secluded headquarters for both the esteemed and infamous of people.

face Culture
Currency - What currencies are used in The Maelstrom?

For what few organisms live here, metals are most valued, as fragile minerals often don't survive here.

Laws - What are the laws in The Maelstrom?

The laws of Avalon are less of laws and moreso loose guidelines here. Very few snake catchers come here, instead waiting for snuhvers to poke their head out of the Maelstrom to strike.

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Notable Locations

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map Geography
date_range History
edit Notes
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