info Overview
Name - What is Igne's Port’s full name?

Igne's Port

Description - Describe Igne's Port.

Igne’s Port is a small town of ore collectors that make a majority of their profits by ‘fishing’ rare ores out of the Molten Scar. Many of the townsfolk have to worry about getting swallowed by the Scar, but to keep profits high and death rates low, the Igne folk have developed various techniques and technologies.

Igne’s Port has a signature tool, the ‘Ore Fisher’. It takes the form of a canon small enough for a mid-size dragon to carry, and, once fired, shoots a grabber that pierces through hardened lava. The grabber is fished back up to check for harvested ores, and the process of using it repeats.

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map Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in Igne's Port?

Being in the Molten Scar, the climate at Igne's Port is temperate.

date_range History
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