info Overview
Name - What is Shimaltis’s full name?


Gender - What is Shimaltis’s gender?


Description - Describe Shimaltis.

Leader of Igne's Port. An old, boisterous dragon who has since lost the grace needed to go ore fishing. His old age hasn't dulled his taste for danger, much to his workers' misfortune.

face Looks
fingerprint Nature
flash_on Abilities
date_range History
Background - What is Shimaltis’s background?

"No brains, but full of character and brawn" was how an Egg Seer described Shimaltis when he just hatched — and they were right.

Shimaltis was born on the northern side of the Molten Scar, under the Galror clan. He always found formal smithing education to be troublesome, so much of what he knows today is experimental knowledge, to the dismay of his family and those around him. Education from experiments still isn't enough to become a smith in Galror though, so in his juvenile years Shimaltis was often delegated to simple physical work, such as hammering tools when need be.

For a short instance, a Beastclan living south of the Shimaltis' home seiged the Galror clan, looking for them to surrender essential ores that the Beastclan needed and had disappeared from their area of the Scar. This conflict did not last long, as only after days of fighting the Beastclan was looking worse for wear.

Taking pity on the clan, the leader of the Galrors proposed an alliance between them and the Beastclan, seeing some value in their location of the Molten Scar. The alliance with the Ashtalons went through.

To solidify their alliance, the leader of Galror had select members of the clan visit and live with the Beastclan, Shimaltis being one of them — mainly because his use as a soldier during the conflict was gone and smiths were realizing they didn't really need a dedicated metal hammerer. Finding a job with the Ashtalons was just as rocky as finding a proper job with the Galrors, as much of the Ashtalons' work was indexing orders, but those orders had to come from somewhere: Igne's Port.

A large amount of the work at Igne's Port was physical and dangerous work. The dangerous part wasn't as exciting, but as Shimaltis got the hang of ore fishing, he became more accustomed to it as he learned the ropes. He also managed to become good friends with the Port's leader, Zacet, a grumpy Talonok known to have a short temper. He and Shimaltis' personalities went well together, whether it be because he was smart enough to see through Zacet's flurry of insults or because he was too dumb to understand them. It was through Zacet that Shimaltis could start learning more 'formal' skills, such as managing inventories and orders — and what he'd learn would actually stick this time.

Shimaltis was well an adult when Zacet's body began to deteriorate. Someone would need to take over Igne's Port, but Zacet had long avoided producing any off-spring let alone getting a partner, so he anointed Shimaltis as Igne's new boss. Of course, he had plenty of help, as it isn't easy to begin operating a business with a head full of rocks.

groups Social
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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