info Overview
Name - What is Maligol’s full name?


Type - What type of location is Maligol?


Description - Describe Maligol.

The North-East quarter of the polygon territory.

face Culture
Population - What is Maligol’s population?

About 50,000



Currency - What currencies are used in Maligol?

Quellbies (⦽)

Sports - What sports are played in Maligol?

Alternate versions of football, soccer, basketball, and volleyball.

account_balance Government
business Cities
map Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in Maligol?

A mild-temperature area with four clear seasons.

Crops - What crops does Maligol produce?

Stranglebush: A carnivorous plant that traps little creatures in its branches and devours it slowly. It is fairly harmless to polygonals and happens to have great tasting seeds.
Bloodrod: A thorny, long, thin tree that produces bright red fruits.

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Maligol founded?

After the Agreement of 1002 was passed, the territory was too large for one person to successfully rule. Thus, in 1075, the territory was split into four states, one being Maligol.

Established Year - When was Maligol established?


Notable Wars - What notable wars has Maligol been involved in?

War of Bandolias (1235-1280, the time that the story takes place)

edit Other
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Maligol

Character chevron_right Current Location link linked Maligol

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