info Overview
Name - What is Ciwood’s full name?


Type - What type of location is Ciwood?


Description - Describe Ciwood.

A huge city high up in the trees that can be better described as a large community house mixed with many outdoor malls.

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face Culture
Laws and Beliefs

  • Magic is a completely free practice and never forbidden. Some types of magic, mainly the more difficult and dangerous types, do require some classes to be taken but all knowledge is free to everyone

  • Preventing someone from doing or saying something that would do no harm to others is highly frowned upon

  • There is no gender binary. When a citizen becomes 15 it is a custom for them to be thrown a "Përemri zbulon" aka a Pronoun reveal celebration. Until this age people are refered to with "em/ee/eirs" pronouns

  • There are no restrictions on who people can and cannot talk to or communicate with

  • There are no social classes, the community provides for each other to make sure everyone is happy and healthy

  • Clothes have no gender- People can wear what they want

  • Transfiguration magic is the most common form of magic, Clinics for professionals to use their magic on those who want it are a very common store from to see in market places. It's just like dying your hair.

business Cities
map Geography
date_range History
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Ciwood

Location chevron_right Capital cities link linked Ciwood

This location was created by Erika on

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